The Undomestic Goddess

I think this was the book that convinced me that I do not like Sophie Kinsella's work at all! I don't know exactly what it is about her style. I do enjoy chick lit from time to time, but this feels more insipid and unenjoyable to me. No judgement on others who like her books -- I know she has a large and dedicated following -- but it is not for me.

Did not finish, really didn't like the main character and the situations were too unrealistic

There were a couple of parts I didn't care for in this book, but otherwise, it was very fun.

Samantha is so plain and boring why is everyone so obsessed with her? And how are we supposed to buy that Nathaniel is so obsessed with her when he doesn’t say one nice thing to her the whole book. Guy is supposed to be the bad guy but at least he consistently tells her how smart and bright and capable she is. Nathaniel is basically just the manic pixie dream girl of the book. And why are we meant to believe Trish is old and ugly because she had crows feet? Is that not a normal part of aging. And how awful is it that the geigers are so shocked that Samantha is smart and good at math just because she’s a ‘housekeeper’. is Kinsella implying that it is outrageous that domestic help could be smart as well as good at chores. Or just in general that if someone is able to do housework they are stupid??Also this women is an Ivy League lawyer yet bases a lot of her decisions on whichever man she fanciesAverage book, easy read

Brilliant book

This book was a quick, fun read and a welcome change from the Shopaholic series!

Not a bad book- it is surprisingly heartwarming, and I found it extremely enjoyable as a light read! :)

Funny story. Halfway through the book I realized I'd already read this a few years back. AM I THAT OLD?! Anyway, I'm glad I read it again. It's an easy, breezy read and it reminds us of some very important life lessons. Have a balance. Take time out for yourself. And be the person who has the time to look out the window.

Classic, easy Kinsella. Can't go wrong for an easy romantic read.

my rating | 3.5 stars RTC :-) happy birthday to meee

i thought it is going to be a funny story of a woman choosing another "career", going against what everyone around her wanted her to be and do, but it was not. why does love have to be in every book? moreover, here it played a huge role in the storyline. disappointed.

Se van a reír, se van a emocionar, se van a aferrar a las últimas cien páginas hasta saber cómo diablos va a terminar. Es una peli de Fox de domingo por la tarde, que te hace pasar un buen rato y te deja una sensación linda en el pecho al finalizarlo.

relevant to me and genuinely entertaining

Would have been a four star, but I hated the ending

Shocking that I read this after despising the first book I read by this author, but this one was cute. It went by quickly and was a light, romantic comedy- just what I was in the mood for.

This was my first ever Sophie Kinsella book, and it got me hooked. At the cusp of transferring from young adult to adult fiction, it helped me bridge that final leap. Because of this book, I have always found that I liked her stand-alone novels better than the Shopaholic series. It's funny, witty, and a perfect easy read to clear your mind.

I read books by this author when I need a total brain drain and lots of laughter. This book did not disappoint. Quirky and sarcastic British humor.