
Terbit 13 tahun setelah A Brief History of Time, buku ini mengenalkan cukup banyak teori-teori baru, seperti konsep brane sebagai perumpamaan konstruksi blackhole, dan M-theory yang memadukan lima teori string. Not to say that I understand much if at all lmao. Tbvh I absorb very little every time I read anything about physics and mathematics. I just keep reading because the ant size portion that I understand is interesting and one day, mayhaps all those minute pieces count, right? But anw, it's short and concise, rather free from mathematical baggage (thank God), organized in an engaging storyline, and the foreword was written on my birthday :] (tmi). It's also full of illustrations, almost on every page, making the physical book an awesome collectible.

The book is an attempt to explain the nature of the universe using (mainly) String theory. Hawking is making assumptions along the way while discussing problems of quantum gravity, quantum physics and Einstein’s general relativity. Starting with superstring theory, P-Branes theory and arbitrary time, Hawkins conclude that our universe holds many hidden dimensions impossible for us to observe. The future of computers and genetic engineering could bring us closer to unified theory of everything or maybe this all is a hallucination of the mind? The most fascinating part for me however was discussion of time. We all think we experience time. In everyday thinking, time is being reduced to a level of an individual- linear perception and chains of recalled mind experiences. And here comes my personal admiration for Hawking trying to discuss universal time while dissolving individual perception of the mind. To say, trying to take a look on the universe with a God’s eye