The Unvanquished

The Unvanquished The Corrected Text

The son of a Southern colonel becomes involved in the family's struggle to maintain the old order during the Civil War era
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Photo of Donald
5 stars
Feb 25, 2022

Helluva novel. The beginning reminded me of Twain, but the end was something new and I reckon something only Faulkner could do.

Photo of Christopher McCaffery
Christopher McCaffery@cmccafe
3 stars
Feb 8, 2022

"An Odor of Verbena" is worth the entire book. Not the best Faulkner, clearly, but this is still great.

Photo of Melody Izard
Melody Izard@mizard
3 stars
Jan 10, 2022

I try, try, try to love Faulkner - but I just can't go from like to love. One thing this story does that I have not seen much of, is explore how "freedom" for the slaves after the Civil War was really not much freedom at all. What the heck were they free to do? Where did they live? How did they live? What did they eat? The solutions were to steal from their former masters, or to return to them to work as share croppers or some other barely paid position. I found it very disconcerting to go from the ending of this book, where Baynard refuses to murder his father's murderer, but walks away into a new South ready to pick up the pieces and move forward and get over the war, right into the loving arms of Lewis Grizzard, to find that some of us southerners sure didn't move forward very far. (see Southern by the Grace of God)

Photo of Courtney Gendreau
Courtney Gendreau@literary_chaos
2 stars
Sep 24, 2022
Photo of John-Paul Teti
John-Paul Teti@jpt
4 stars
Feb 20, 2022
Photo of Benjamin Erwin
Benjamin Erwin@benjamin_erwin
4 stars
Feb 9, 2022
Photo of Allison Raines
Allison Raines@sacredspheres
4 stars
Jan 27, 2022
Photo of Maura
2 stars
Jan 25, 2022