The upside of falling
Easy read

The upside of falling


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Photo of C
3.5 stars
Feb 19, 2025

The book itself is cute. But I don’t think it’s giving me the butterflies I wanted!!!

Photo of Moonchild
5 stars
May 31, 2024

“Because you go somewhere else when you read. I want to go there with you.” Adorable, heart warming…. Involves books…. I cried it’s all I will say…

Photo of Belen Silva
Belen Silva@bmimi7
4.5 stars
Mar 10, 2024


Photo of Ena Kalkan
Ena Kalkan@enaklkn
2 stars
Feb 23, 2024

2.5 stars — i enjoyed the beginning of this book and i'm a huge fan of the fake-dating trope but overall i just couldn't connect with this book as a whole. something felt off the entire way through and i couldn't pinpoint it. never really stood out to me. as much as i wanted to love brett and becca, their relationship felt extremely rushed and lacked certain detail. nonetheless, this was a cute and easy read.

Photo of alya adlina
alya adlina@leyabrary
4 stars
Jan 30, 2024

i literally finished reading this book in less that six hours. the way i can’t stop reading this book during my class time. this book is original from wattpad and i just knew about that when i was about to start reading this book. i just knew that this book has fake dating trope and that’s it. very nice and sweet book ever. love the “classic” fake dating we got in this book. i liked both main characters in here, Becca and Brett. love their chemistry so much. becca was a cool girl i really loved her vibes. and brett all i remember about him he is a popular guy who really wants to be in relationship. the only thing that i didn’t liked in this book is how they rushed everything and we didn’t get to feel it. the relationship between them is the only thing that i keep in reading and istg i’m swooning. i just loved it so much and enjoyed it. the kiss scene. whenever them spending time together i literally smiles nonstop. and the ending literally left me a huge grin on my face. read this book if you love some cute wholesome story and fake dating in it!!!!

Photo of Stella 💫
Stella 💫@starrystellabug
2.5 stars
Jan 23, 2024

Its was a nice distracting read and i enjoyed the book. However this was the most pointless book i have ever read. The conflict felt like a bump in the road and that it was just brushed under the rug and they just moved on. Also could not tell you what the morale/point of this story was.

Photo of trixie
3 stars
Jan 10, 2024

kit connor as brett fancast you will always be famous to ME!

Photo of lexie
4.5 stars
Jan 7, 2024

becca and brett's daddy issues. i liked it. i feel like there was no big problems in this novel. it's just like "okay i forgive you bye" kind of thing.

Photo of Naiya
3 stars
Dec 7, 2023

There were so many cute quotes in this book! I recommend for a quick romance read because it only took me a little over 2 hours. I also love that the main character was a reader! 3⭐️

Photo of Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell@wiltedsarah
1 star
Aug 3, 2023

I had to DNF this one. I liked the premise, but it was too juvenile for me. I like a good cheesy romance, but this was giving “I’m not like other girls” and insta love, and I was not vibing.

I’ve never DNF’d a book before, even though some were heinous, so this is a big deal for me.

Photo of Alyssa deRaad
Alyssa deRaad@aderaad
3 stars
Aug 1, 2023

Definitely more of a YA novel, but sweet and a happy, easy read.

Photo of Fayee Magan
Fayee Magan@fayee
3 stars
Jul 19, 2023

It’s a cute little YA romance that’s a fast read and easily get you out of a slump what can you say?

Photo of Callie Stull
Callie Stull@calliestull
5 stars
Jul 17, 2023

ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! I finished it in a day… Its a really fun and quick read. However, unbeknownst to me, my kindle crashed half way through the book… literally was 52% of the way done… so aside from being stuck reading it on my phone, it was so good. adorable book about 2 people who aren’t looking for a relationship but fake date each other to get the people in their lives off their back…

Photo of Sophia
Sophia @phiabia
3 stars
Jul 14, 2023

wholesome YA read

Photo of Tori
5 stars
Jul 12, 2023

I loved every second of this book!! It was soooo cute and I thought it had a good story

Photo of Lexy
Lexy @lexywrites
4.5 stars
May 18, 2023

I thought that this book was good when I read it

Photo of Faith Kitowski
Faith Kitowski@faithkitowski
3 stars
Mar 20, 2023

3.7/5. this book was a quick and easy read. i didn’t feel super connected to the characters but their break up scene hit a little to close to home. it felt like my heart was coming up my throat. side note: is to much to ask for the ending to happen to me?

Photo of Bri
4 stars
Mar 17, 2023

4.5/5 BRETT AND BECCA HAVE MY HEART MY LITTLE MEOW MEOWS such a fun book I love how their each others safe place it makes me cry

Photo of Elicia Au Duong
Elicia Au Duong@eliciaauduong
2 stars
Mar 14, 2023

cute and cheesy

Photo of Karunika
Karunika @bibliophile_badass
4 stars
Feb 24, 2023

Super cutesy highschoolfake-dating romancing. Swoon-worthy male lead who plays football, and adorable book-obsessed MC.

Photo of thea lockburn
thea lockburn @thea_lockburn
4 stars
Feb 17, 2023

** spoiler alert ** AHH I really enjoyed this book! solid 4⭐ super short and sweet :)) becca was amazing i absolutely adore her ! brett has such golden retriever vibes it's honestly so cute 🥰 (i need a Brett in my life) this book is super short and sweet. a perfect palate cleanser. i loved it also because it was based in a school setting which is up my alley ( give me some academic rivals )

Photo of Aneesa
3.5 stars
Feb 12, 2023

It was a bit weird and unrealistic how they just suddenly ended up "dating" but other than that it was a good book

Photo of ava
ava @ilovets
3 stars
Feb 1, 2023

cute little read!

Photo of linhie
3 stars
Jan 26, 2023

3.5/5 ☆


Photo of Fayee Magan
Fayee Magan@fayee

“Because you go somewhere else when you read. I want to go there with you.”

That’s cute

Photo of Fayee Magan
Fayee Magan@fayee

It was like, if love couldn’t exist in reality, at least it was alive in fiction.

…haha yeah

Photo of Fayee Magan
Fayee Magan@fayee

Love is temporary.

So real

Photo of Sophia
Sophia @phiabia

“Read to me.”


“Because you go somewhere else when you read. I want to go there with you.”

Page 279
Photo of Lenja

He grinned. Shook his head. "What?" I asked. "Nothing. Nothing at all," he said, jerking his chin toward the book on my legs.

Read to me." "Why?" "Because you go somewhere else when you read. I want to go there with you."

We sat there and I read aloud, my back to Brett's chest. He pulled me a little closer, held me a little tighter. And this time, we escaped together

Page 221

I read this quote somewhere online a little while ago and just realized now it was from this book. Soo cute!!

Photo of Ines Budich
Ines Budich @ines02

I had gotten into the habit of ending every day with the same question: Was it worth remembering or forgetting?

Page 1

I feel this

Photo of Jenna-Lee Gordon
Jenna-Lee Gordon@jennaleegordon

I wondered if a day would come when he'd abandon that child too. I really hoped it didn't. I hoped he'd choose to stick around so that little baby would never go through what I did. I hoped they’d never have to hide in a bush and watch their father love his new family the way he couldn’t love his old one

Page 46
Photo of Iwa✨

„Read to me.”


“Because you go somewhere else when you read. I want to go there with you.”

We sat there and I read aloud, my back to Brett’s chest. He pulled me a little closer, held me a little tighter. And this time, we escaped together.

Page 272
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Photo of Miglė

"Read to Me"


"Because you go somewhere else when you read. I want to go there with you."

Photo of Allyssa Fritz
Allyssa Fritz@allyssa

"Because you go somewhere else when you're reading. I want to go there with you."


Page 279
Photo of Allyssa Fritz
Allyssa Fritz@allyssa

"Words aren't like that. They build an entire world around you. It's not something you look at, it's something you're inside. That makes it a lot scarier."


Page 274
Photo of Allyssa Fritz
Allyssa Fritz@allyssa

"I can't believe I have a crush on a girl with such horrible ice cream taste."


Page 152
Photo of Allyssa Fritz
Allyssa Fritz@allyssa

"Weeks ago, if someone told me I'd be spending my Saturday afternoon sitting on Brett Well's bed, I would have laughter in their face."


Page 141
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Photo of Allyssa Fritz
Allyssa Fritz@allyssa

"I knew a lot about love I knew there were two kinds: 1) real love and 2) fictional love."


Page 9
Photo of Gabriella Parker
Gabriella Parker@gabriellareads

“I’ll have you know I’ve read all the Harry Potters.”

She did not look impressed. At all.

“That doesn’t count. Everyone’s read Harry Potter. It’s practically a childhood rite of passage.”

She had a point.

Page 30

This quote has my soul

Photo of Gabriella Parker
Gabriella Parker@gabriellareads

It was like, if love couldn’t exist in reality, at least it was alive in fiction. Between the pages it was safe. The heartbreak was contained. There was no aftermath, no shock waves.

Page 6
Photo of 🌙

“it’s like i said, people always leave. parents, friends—it doesn’t matter. it’s all temporary and i’m not sure i can handle another person walking out on me.” “then let me show you that i can be the one who stays.”

Page 174

as someone w abandonment issues this is all i’ve ever wanted to hear 🥲

Photo of Phoebe Allen
Phoebe Allen@pea01

“Read to me”

This quote is cute as he has picked up on her own ways of coping methods and wants to find a way to help him

Photo of Chiara Tallir
Chiara Tallir@ducks_herondale

"I mean, these are books, Becca. They're not real life. You can't take what you read in here and expect it to magically happen to you. You can't expect it to feel like that." She paused, grabbing a book out of the bag and placing it on her stomach. "Real guys aren't like this. I don't think anyone is like this. People don't stand in front of your bedroom window with a boom box-"

Photo of Chiara Tallir
Chiara Tallir@ducks_herondale

"That depends," I said. "What kind of book is it? A romance? Mystery? Fairy tale?" "Fairy tale," Brett said very seriously. "I'm guessing you want to be the prince?" "Only if you're the princess."

Page 77
Photo of Emerson Clute
Emerson Clute@emmyclute

You knew," he said again, louder this time. "And you"he spun around to face his dad "how could you do you" this?" His voice broke. I thought he was going to cry, to col- lapse completely. Instead he lunged. His fist connected with his father's face in a horrifying sound. His dad was on the ground, clutching his nose, blood streaming down.

Page 180


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Photo of Emerson Clute
Emerson Clute@emmyclute

When I woke up the next morning, Brett was still lying in bed beside me. We must have fallen asleep during the movie. I sat up quickly tensing when I heard the thump! of my laptop falling off my bed. Then I noticed the plate at the foot of the bed with jelly bells on it. There were two pieces of paper tucked underneath. One had Becca scrawled on it in my mom's signature cursive. The other read Brett.

Page 153


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Photo of Emerson Clute
Emerson Clute@emmyclute

Then my heart droPped, plummeted right into my stom- ach, because Brett said, "I think that was my dad. And that Woman wasn't my mom."

Page 129


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Photo of Emerson Clute
Emerson Clute@emmyclute

But then I really looked at his face. His mouth was wide open and he looked like he'd just been punched in the gut.

Page 127

it’s his dad

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