The Vicomte de Bragelonne
Continues the adventures of the Four Musketeers, as Athos seeks to restore Charles II to the throne, Aramis and Porthos are involved in a secret plan with a masked prisoner, and D'Artagnan finds adventure that leads him from the French court to Holland and Brittany.

Gillian Rose@glkrose
I'm not going to lie, this book was somewhat more difficult to read than the others. There are so many characters and craziness going on, I often was like, "Wait, what?" Two more books until I finish this sereis.

Gillian Rose@glkrose
This one had a lot less action and was more of a romance. It was nice but I still am so confused by most of the characters.

Edoardo Baldi@edobld



Ian MacDonald@haligon_ian

Ian MacDonald@haligon_ian

Ian MacDonald@haligon_ian

Julia A.@brizna

iia w@squiddy

iia w@squiddy

Amro Gebreel@amro

Amro Gebreel@amro

Vitali Avagyan@vitali87