
the sadness level really is 11/10, i wont emotionally recover from this i think

Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
Sadness. A great end to a great series!

The final book in the original run. It ties up a few loose ends, and satisfactorily concludes the story. My only complaint is the order in which they were presented and published. I would have preferred the the vignettes at the end had been moved to before the wake, and the series finished on that last panel of the wake. But I understand why it was done the way it was done. It was a writer saying goodbye to his work, and who am I to fault him for how he chooses do so? so?

Eva Bailey@evabails
An incredible series. Nothing could top the penultimate volume but this was a nice wrap up of some storylines.


Gelaine Trinidad@gelaine


James Dziemianzuk @jamesdz

Martha F.@marthaq

Morpho Kaleidoscope@cosmonauts

Nicklas Persson@takete

Melissa Railey@melrailey

Jo A@thecupofjo

Kyle Curry@kcurry24

Steve Wood@ctmqsteve

Nora @ngoldie

Michael Springer@djinn-n-juice

Chrystal Giordano@kika91

jaymie b@heck

Sang Park@sparky

Didi Chanoch@didichanoch

Ashley Janssen@aninterestingidea

Anika Jugović Spajić@p_anika

Cal Desmond‐Pearson@social-hermit