
Wren Hardwick@fablesandwren
Well, as a whole... 01. I thought it dragged on a little more than it should have. 02. I miss Daryl and Beth but I know they aren't in the graphic novels 03. I'm ready to see the wrath of Negan 04. I am happy Andrea is 100% better in the comics than in the show

Compendium 2 covers issues 49-96 of the comic. This is almost all Alexandia time. Issue #100 of the comic is where Season 6 of the comic ends, leaving this as the events leading up Neegan. Of the story arcs and compendiums, I think the TV show did this era a bit more justice with a number of side stories that weren't in the comics but were even more interesting. Still a page turner that kept me up at night saying "just one more issue".

Oscar Dominguez@oscard0m

Jon Eckert@jeckert

Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai



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