
sm better than the show (tho i do miss daryl … and carol’s character in the show is sm better imo)

I read the comics after watching the series and thought the show did a great job of staying faithful to the books while still introducing its own flair. Most of the story arcs are taken from the comics, but a lot of the characters are switched around. For example, in the show Rick is with Michonne, but in the books Rich is involved with Andrea! I can appreciate the small changes that makes the show its own, but I love when adaptations are faithful to the text--and The Walking Dead balances it in a great way!

COMPENDIUM com•pen•di•um (kəmˈpendēəm) noun. noun: compendium; plural noun: compendia; plural noun: compendiums a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, especially in a book or other publication. Compendium 01 of The Walking Dead includes: Collections of Issues: #01 - #48 Collections of Volume: #01 - #08 Overall Thoughts: It's a pretty great read. It could have been an amazing read if the women weren't portrayed as incapable idiots 75% of the time.

After the ambiguous ending to the TV show for The Walking Dead, I couldn't help but want to see what would happen next. Sure, the TV show is different from the comic, I get that, but still there's so many similarities that I immediately started reading through the comic to see what might happen. The Compendium #1 covers the first 48 issues of the comic - up until after the prison arc. Everything happens so fast compared to the show, that it took some getting used to. This was the first comic I've read, but I can say it was addictive from the start. Even re-reading parts I'd watched in the show and determining the small differences between the comic was a lot of fun.


'I mean,' said Miss Marple, ... 'that so many people seem to me not to be either bad or good, but simply, you know, very silly.'
That's some wise shit