The Way of Kings

The Way of Kings

A new epic series by the best-selling writer of Robert Jordan's final Wheel of Time® novels introduces the world of Roshar through the experiences of a war-weary royal compelled by visions, a highborn youth condemned to military slavery and a woman who would save her impoverished house.
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Photo of Jas 🐸
Jas 🐸@jasminekloe
5 stars
Mar 11, 2025

Impeccable. Honestly left me desiring nothing but the next 9 installments - which is a lot considering how much I enjoy dragons in fantasy.

Photo of Sierra Scanlan
Sierra Scanlan@nicolle23
4.5 stars
Mar 8, 2025

Absolutely incredible intro to an incredible series. Took me a while to get thru because of work and life but it left me with so much desire to immediately start the next book. Crazy to read 1000 pages of something and only want more more more.

Photo of hana
4 stars
Feb 22, 2025

a lot of people said that this was 1200 pages of prolog. i could testify to that. 1200 pages and i grasp absolutely nothing from the book 😭😭😭  i devoured it regardless. not a single dull moment from this book. i don’t know what kind of crack does he put on this book but i had a fun times reading all of those 1200 pages despite not grasping a single shit most of the time. stormlight archive was an entirely different experience from mistborn. if u think mistborn’s world building was intense and hard, you’re not ready for this one. an entirely different world. they’ve got their own PLANTS, ANIMALS, even eyebrows structure. and the magic system was far more complex.

never have i ever taking my own notes for a fantasy book (merely just small annotations) but for this one, i almost made an entire guide book for informations and theories and questions.

Photo of Liam Curson
Liam Curson@legomaster
4 stars
Feb 2, 2025

Lots of world building plus great story development but it was a long book that took a while for me to read. All in all, really good

Photo of Liana
0.5 stars
Nov 3, 2024

Despite Sanderson's reputation, this book disappoints on multiple fronts. The characters feel recycled from other fantasy novels, while the world remains frustratingly vague. Dialogue that's meant to be witty falls flat, and the narrative is bogged down by unnecessary intermission chapters and predictable reveals. The author's obsession with palindromes adds another layer of irritation. Only the final hundred pages offer any real entertainment, though even these moments lack surprise.

Photo of Lorna Isles
Lorna Isles@lornaisles
4 stars
Oct 29, 2024

Great world building as usual from Brandon Sanderson - really developed the characters well and draws you into the plot. Feels like this is the book setting the stage for the actual show - slow paced and detailed. Enjoyable will definitely be carrying on to see what happens to everyone next.

Photo of Daphne Li-Chen
Daphne Li-Chen@daphne
4.5 stars
Aug 20, 2024

crazzyyyyyyyy cannot wait to read the next one it’s literally 2 am tho i gotta sleep

Photo of jus
5 stars
Jul 30, 2024

actually crazy how much i loved this

Photo of ploral
4 stars
Jul 1, 2024

What the fuck was this? I must read words of radiance immediately.

Photo of Jeremy Mano
Jeremy Mano@jeremyma
5 stars
Jun 7, 2024

Ein Muss für alle Fantasy Fans. Tolles World building und high fantasy vom Feinsten.

Braucht aber die ersten 250 Seiten um reinzukommen.

Photo of emily learmont
emily learmont@elearmo
4 stars
May 22, 2024

WOW. Brandon Sanderson truly is a master of his craft. his world-building is unparalleled, the story is unique, and the characters are so full of depth and realness.

so why only four stars then? I hate to be this person, but these books are so dang long. my ADHD brain struggles even with how great everything else is. I just wish these books were more concise. like, kaladin’s bridge run chapters?? I wanted to throw myself into the chasm. anyway, that’s just my personal preference. fantastic storytelling and incredible in literally every other way.

Photo of ren
5 stars
May 21, 2024

best book ive ever read (kaladin deserves the biggest sloppiest kiss ever)

Photo of Alex Shinsky
Alex Shinsky@shin
5 stars
May 18, 2024

Stormfather, what a book!

Each character feels so well developed and each chapter moves the story along at a perfect pace. At no point did it drag or stumble. It didn’t feel like it took 45 hours to listen through but I’m glad there was 45 hours of this wonderful story. Sanderson does it again.

Photo of Omar
Omar @sparsesuccess
4 stars
Apr 11, 2024

Sandersons work is held back by its inability to invoke grit, gravitas and realism. On every level, it sits deeply fictional, and does not draw an illusion sufficient for you to get the idea that these are super immersive events Everything else is better than top notch tho. This book is closed to a 4.7 stars to me.

Photo of Luke Harkness
Luke Harkness@lukesblog1
5 stars
Apr 4, 2024

I'm fully in! As stated in part one review, I have read this book before but cannot remember quite being invested in it enough to leave a respectable review - therefore I have it 5* as I just presumed that was the right thing to do. Now I've read it fully. Now I've invested over a week into this absolute epic and I'd say this is now in my top books of all time. It tells many stories, offers up such a phenomenal and interesting world and fully grips you in with an unknown history, interesting questions, fascinating theories, deep characters and that feeling of really having lived through these characters' lives. First time round I didn't really get the hype. Second time round, I am all aboard the hype train! 🚂

Photo of Luke Harkness
Luke Harkness@lukesblog1
5 stars
Apr 4, 2024

It does definitely feel like the first part of a whole story. But the first part of a story I'm very invested in. I remember parts of it from my first read, but as I thought, there's a lot I don't remember and a lot I didn't pick up. Now a now experienced reader, I fan appreciate it so much more. Fascinating and deep world, a couple of REALLY cool characters and it feels a little bit over the top in places which is 100% OK as the rest of the book is so grounded. Look forward to part two!

Photo of Luke Harkness
Luke Harkness@lukesblog1
5 stars
Apr 4, 2024

As stated in part one review, I have read this book before but cannot remember quite being invested in it enough to leave a respectable review - therefore I have it 5* as I just presumed that was the right thing to do. Now I've read it fully. Now I've invested over a week into this absolute epic and I'd say this is now in my top books of all time. It tells many stories, offers up such a phenomenal and interesting world and fully grips you in with an unknown history, interesting questions, fascinating theories, deep characters and that feeling of really having lived through these characters' lives. First time round I didn't really get the hype. Second time round, I am all aboard the hype train! 🚂

Photo of Christine
4 stars
Apr 2, 2024


Photo of Vicky  Nuñez
Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
5 stars
Mar 25, 2024

The Way of Kings is the first book of this epic fantasy series. As the first book in long series, this first books is filled with history and explanations of its religion, magic system, etc. But they are all peppered throughout the book and are never too overwhelming. The history lessons are intertwined with the characters so you never get bored. Honestly, I'm just in awe of what an incredibly detailed world Sanderson has created. It made for an interesting book. I am in awe and I loved every minute of it, I can't wait to read the rest!

Photo of Elisabeth Thoresen
Elisabeth Thoresen@elisabethmay
5 stars
Jan 26, 2024


Photo of Catarina Lopes
Catarina Lopes @caat_reads
5 stars
Jan 19, 2024

4.5/5! It was veryyy good, a true epic high fantasy novel. My only gripe is that there were some moments where I was bored and dragging through it, which is normal in such a big book, so understandable Can see myself giving it a 5 star though upon a re-read or the more I think about it

Photo of Gracie Marsden
Gracie Marsden@marsdengracie
4 stars
Jan 18, 2024

The last 10% of the book made four stars. The first 90% I give three stars. This is a wonderful fantasy/adventure novel, with meticulous world planning and dazzling creativity. My only complaint is how long the book is. Worth the read.

Photo of Tatiana
4 stars
Jan 17, 2024

The Way of Kings: 4.5/5 I was so nervous to read this thinking it wouldn't live up to the hype but DAMN this book was AMAZING. Sanderson does an incredible job or slowly introducing information without leaving the reader confused and it hooks you from the start. I'm so proud of reading this massive book and I cannot wait to continue the series!! :D

Photo of may
5 stars
Jan 9, 2024

fucking finally. i cant believe i just did that. brando sando youre insane!!


Photo of Jas 🐸
Jas 🐸@jasminekloe

If I fail to save the bridgemen, that wretch will take control again. This time he'll get his way…

Page 422

Depression is horrifying

Photo of Jas 🐸
Jas 🐸@jasminekloe

“Too many of us," she said, "take great pains with what we ingest through our mouths, and far less with what we partake of through our ears and eyes. Wouldn’t you say?”

Page 157
Photo of Jas 🐸
Jas 🐸@jasminekloe

I should have never ripped up the map, Kaladin thought. Bitterness is repaid more often than kindness.

Page 109
Photo of Sara

A blank page was nothing but potential, pointless until it was used.

Page 118
Photo of Sara

Which would you rather have? A ward who is able to repeat the correct answers because an overpriced tutor drilled them into her, or a ward who had to struggle and fight for everything she has learned?

I assure you that one of those two will prize your teachings far more than the other.

Page 121

An excerpt from the letter Shallan leaves Jasnah at the Palanaeum.

Photo of anya

can dalinar kholin catch a FUCKING BEEAM

can dalinar kholin catch a FUCKING BREAK

Photo of Apiecalypse Jen
Apiecalypse Jen@chippedfang

I have been dying from air quality migraines for 2+ days with wildfire smoke and I have a TON of baking to do for a show next weekend and even though my TBR list is 300 books long, I am being a big baby and falling into the arms of one of my favourite books ever because I simply can’t do waves hands at everything right now.

Photo of THOU art I
THOU art I@iamthou

I have only read the prologue which wasn't a fun read at all, after looking it up online I found out that the first chapters won't be fun either.

Photo of Alina

We are not creatures of destinations. It is the journey that shapes us. Our callused feet, our backs strong from carrying the weight of our travels, our eyes open with the fresh delight of experiences lived.

Photo of Alina

Watching them stand resolute and capable in stances they had only been just been taught, Kaladin realized something. These men—cast off by the army, forced to work themselves near to death, then fed extra food by Kaladin’s careful planning—were the most fit, training-ready recruits he’d ever been given.

By seeking to beat them down, Sadeas had prepared them to excel.

Photo of Alina

She felt guilty for being unable to record his death. And she felt stupid for that guilt.

Photo of Alina

No. He’d had no easy fall, like those drops. He’d earned his scars. He’d bounced off walls, bashed his face and hands. He’d killed innocent men by accident. He’d walked beside those with hearts like blackened coals, adoring them. He’d scrambled and climbed and fallen and stumbled.

And now here he was. At the end of it all. Understanding so much more, but somehow feeling no wiser.

Photo of Alina

No, this place wasn’t natural. The land had been broken. And now it broke the people who came to it.

Photo of Alina

So be it. Cutting down trees, building bridges, fighting in the army. None of it mattered. He would just keep living. They’d taken his freedom, his family, his friends, and—most dear of all—his dreams. They could do nothing more to him.

Photo of Alina

If there was one thing he still let himself long for, it was the chance to hold a spear. To fight again, to try and find his way back to the man he had been. A man who had cared.

Photo of Caroline Clutterbuck Kapulkin
Caroline Clutterbuck Kapulkin@pastryghost

"That chanting, that singing, those rasping voices." -Kaktach 1174, 16 seconds pre-death. A middleaged potter. Reported seeing strange dreams during highstorms during the last two years.

Page 903

What does this MEAN!!! 😳 These passages are so well-placed in the flow of the story, it is such a delight. This coming directly after Sadeas’s betrayal (!!!) as Dalinar stands on the battlefield strewn with the dying song of the Parshendi.

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Photo of Caroline Clutterbuck Kapulkin
Caroline Clutterbuck Kapulkin@pastryghost

“I wish to sleep. I know now why you do what you do, and I hate you for it. I will not speak of the truths I see." -Kakashah 1173, 142 seconds pre-death. A Shin sailor, left behind by his crew, reportedly for bringing them ill luck. Sample largely useless.

Page 878

This may be my favorite anonymous chapter quote yet.

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