The Wicked + the Divine, Volume 2

The Wicked + the Divine, Volume 2 Fandemonium

The second volume of the award-winning urban fantasy series where gods are the ultimate pop stars and pop stars are the ultimate gods. Following the tragic and unjust death of Lucifer, it takes a revelation from Inanna to draw Laura back into the worlds of Gods and Superstardom to try and discover the truth behind a conspiracy to subvert divinity. Includes issues #6-11 of the series, plus supplementary material.
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Photo of brianna
4 stars
Jan 22, 2023


Photo of sophia n
sophia n@nyx
3 stars
Sep 16, 2022

the first half of this was weirdly hard to follow but holy hell that ending 👀

Photo of Elisa Bieg
Elisa Bieg@bookishexpat
5 stars
Aug 26, 2022

I’m shocked and I can’t really string together a proper review, except to say that this is awesome. And sad. And messed up. And a little confusing. And WTF, Ananke??!?!?!?!???

Photo of Maggie Gordon
Maggie Gordon@maggieg
5 stars
Aug 13, 2022

Not many books pull off a twist like this one. WOW, what a cliffhanger!

Photo of Ingrid
Ingrid @nola
5 stars
Aug 1, 2022

Loved this. I still have no idea what is going on, but I will continue the series for sure!

Photo of Victoria Justice
Victoria Justice@litatori
4 stars
May 26, 2022

We continue to follow Laura as she tries to investigate the events from the last volume, joined again by Cassandra, and also Inanna. We get a little bit more of the origin story in this volume, which gave the story a push forward to the discovery of the 12th god in this cycle. There was also an unexpected revelation, and then another cliffhanger ending to open more questions for the next volume. I'm really enjoying these graphic novels and cannot wait to pick up volume 3. The artwork is still really beautiful, I especially liked the Prince vibes from Inanna.

Photo of Nedu
4 stars
Apr 8, 2022

that ending, wtf?

Photo of Sarah Escorsa
Sarah Escorsa@shrimpy
3 stars
Mar 8, 2022

This story is so all over the place that it should come with a bucketload of aspirin. You know, to cure the headache the reader will undoubtedly suffer from by the time he/she turns the last page. Most of the time you have no clue what's going on, what the characters are talking about or what the hell it all means. A pinch of why, a dash of huh, a drop of "I'm lost," a tinge of "did I miss something," a zest of "oh look, a plot hole!" and TADA! Confusion is you. The story isn't bad, it's just that the execution is somewhat lacking. It doesn't draw you in like volume 1 did and it's not nearly as intriguing. The fact that the whole thing is so convoluted doesn't help, obviously. I'm not sure if it's because Gillen didn't know what to do with his plot or because he simply didn't manage to express his ideas clearly. There is little progression in the story arc (apart from a few new characters being introduced) so it all tends to get pretty boring. Actually, it sometimes felt like the art was more important than the story. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the art here (it's the main reason why I bought this volume, after all) but I don't see the point in inserting pages and pages and pages of panels if they add nothing to the story. The "Night of the Living Godheads" scene in volume 8, for example, is never-ending. You could easily take 20/25 pages away and it wouldn't make a difference in terms of storytelling. The little plot there is is less than gripping and by the time something finally happened (huge cliffhanger at the end of volume 11), I felt completely disconnected from the story. To be honest, I don't think the writing deserves more than 1 star here. To think this was one of the most original, coolest premises I ever came across. Sigh. BUT THE ART. Oh the art. I'm in love with McKelvie's graphics and Wilson's colours. Just look at this: And this: And this: The art here is seriously amazing. I'd be tempted to buy the next volume just because of it. But I probably won't. There just wasn't enough story in this volume to make me want to continue with the comic. Then again, I'm a real McKelvie + Wilson fangirl, so I might not be able to resist the pull. I JUS WANTS 2 LOOK AT TEH PRITEE PICTUREZ!!

Photo of Flavia Louise
Flavia Louise@flaviaaalouise
4 stars
Mar 7, 2022

I actually really liked this installment.

Photo of Sahi K
Sahi K@sahibooknerd
3 stars
Jan 5, 2022

So, this is the second volume and I’m still a little confused, especially with so many gods but I think I’m getting the hang of it. Laura is very depressed in this one after Luci’s death and just wants to find out who the murderer is. She gets help from Inanna who seems such a caring and loving god. Finally someone I actually thought I might like. We also get to know more about Baal and Baphomet. Cassandra’s character takes an unexpected turn but I thought it was badass. Ananke is as mysterious as ever and I didn’t really trust her much and was wondering if she had ulterior motives. And then the ending happened... 😱😱😱 I mean... are these writers trying to kill us with these cliffhangers... it was just toooooooo shocking and I still can’t wrap my head around it. The artwork is definitely more gorgeous in this one. There are a couple of panels with Inanna and Urdr that I thought looked wonderful. And the whole middle portion when Laura takes a kind of a drug and ends up at a weekend party is totally full of bright, neon colored graphics that just made my eyes pop... It was completely over the top coloring but I thought it was very cool. Overall, I enjoyed this enough but I’m still unsure a little to give it a higher rating. But that ending means that I have to start the next volume right away...

Photo of Johanna
3 stars
Dec 6, 2021


Photo of Анастасия Розова
Анастасия Розова@rozova_n
5 stars
Nov 18, 2021

NONONONONONO Not gonna spoil anything, but I hope what happened didn't happen and there's an explanation. Some explanation. Please?

Photo of Carolina Poças
Carolina Poças@carolinapocas
3 stars
Nov 16, 2021


Photo of Pam Sartain
Pam Sartain@certainlygeeky
5 stars
Nov 9, 2021

I read the first one in June last year, so found myself getting a little lost with what was going on. After re-reading the first one, it all made a lot more sense, and was a good sequel. I want to read the rest now!

Photo of A Quiet Little Library
A Quiet Little Library@a_quiet_little_library
4 stars
Oct 29, 2021


Photo of Ann-Loy
4 stars
Sep 15, 2021


Photo of Jessica Nottingham
Jessica Nottingham@hdbblog
5 stars
Sep 1, 2021

Oh, my heart. She is broken, and now I'm questioning why I started this madness when I knew for a fact that this is an ongoing story. THE ENDING! Oh, the ending. Since I've sworn to myself that I will only buy W+D books in trade paperbacks, I'm going to have to wait very impatiently until volume 3 comes out to find out what happens. I guess my poor heart is going to have to stay broken. Now that I've whined at you, let the gushing commence! Volume 2: Fandemonium was absolutely stunning. Although I definitely missed Luci, there were so many new gods to meet and swoon over. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, having this series set against the backdrop of the pop elite is brilliant. Each god that comes into the picture has their own flair, their own attitude, and their own draw. The way that Jamie McKelvie illustrates them makes you understand why so many people are in love with them. I admit it, I'm in love with them too. This volume has so many things happening, that it made my head spin! There definitely isn't a dull moment and, while I knew that ultimately Laura was headed for disaster with her investigation, the climax of this story still shocked the hell out of me. Inanna and Dionysus made their debuts, and things quickly spiraled into a place where I was just hanging on for dear life. The story telling here is brilliant. It wraps you up, and drags you along. Although not much dragging is required. Oh, you'll go willingly. Kieron Gillen ensures that. Ah, you lovely and evil series you. I guess The Wicked + The Divine is a fitting title, yes? I'll be over here, rocking back and forth, eagerly waiting for the next volume to come out.

Photo of Wren Hardwick
Wren Hardwick@fablesandwren
3 stars
Aug 31, 2021

So I think I understand this a little more. There are suppose to be only twelve gods in a cycle, and each one is harder than the previous one to find. The only reason I knocked out a star is because I am still a little confused on who is who and what. I need a guide book to keep up with who is who. I also think these gods are based off of Greek mythology, at least a little. For example, I believe these three are knock offs of The Fates. Also, in case you were wondering, everything is still like really pretty. And this one had so much more colors because I'm pretty sure everyone was doing acid at one point and everyone was neon and super cool looking. Baal drives around in this beauty and he is kind of stalking our main girl now. That was a turn of events. Laura is still trying to figure out what/who she is or if she is anyone besides her normal self, mourning the loss of her friend Lucifer, trying to figure out who the murder is, and also just struggling with the biggest problem of all: teenage moods. Main does she have it bad. She is so depressed and I just wanted to hug her. We meet some of the other gods, we do some acid, and we get a big giant cliff hanger (which seems to be the style of this story). And let me tell you, it's bangin'. #toosoon?

Photo of Rowan Jones
Rowan Jones@wanderingthroughworlds
5 stars
Aug 21, 2021

Holy shit

Photo of Brook
5 stars
Jun 9, 2021

Ugh this series is so beautiful, and the story just keeps winding around into something complex and fun. Can't wait for the third volume

Photo of Heather Margaret
Heather Margaret@heatherdarling
4 stars
Jun 9, 2024
Photo of Nay
5 stars
Jan 21, 2024
Photo of Anlo Dumalaog
Anlo Dumalaog@anlo
5 stars
Jan 13, 2024
Photo of Rebecca Harwood
Rebecca Harwood@beck
4 stars
Jul 20, 2023

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