The Wild Girl

I actually filmed a review so :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRaq1...

The Wild Girl has left me speechless, heartbroken, and hopeful for the magic worked by love. Dortchen was a wonderful narrator and Kate Forsyth wrote her pain and longing so beautifully. Every time there was a moment between Wilhelm and Dortchen, I just wanted that moment to last forever, partly because the longing Dortchen feels throughout the novel was so powerful I could resonate with her, because I didn't want her to go through any more troubles she ran into with her father, and because I absolutely adored how Dortchen and Wilhelm's relationship seemed so wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed the historical aspects of the novel as well. I loved learning about the Grimm family and about all the happenings around Kassel and throughout Europe. Having a lacking knowledge of European history, I found the bits of historical facts interesting and loved the depth it added to the story. I felt like I learned more about the Napoleonic Wars and just how life might have actually been for people living during that era instead of reading a book that romantised the time period. This is a book that I hope will stick with me for a long time. Forsyth has worked a dark magic into this book through her writing, and I do hope it never lets me go. Despite how dark and cruel this book got at times, the amount it made me feel hope and love gives it 5 Stars for me. I just wish all the books I read held and hold the same passion put into this one.

A wonderful true story told as a fairytale. Once again Kate Forsyth show us her competence to re-telling fairy tales (and the story of their authors), she merge magic and reality in a fascinating, remarkable story.