
... But I want more! *sad face*

This was a hard one to rate for me. I didn’t think it deserved a 4 star rating in my eyes, but I don’t think it was a strict three either, so I’ll give it a 3.25. (Definitely closer to a 3 than a 4) Firstly, I did like the graphics in this book. Visually, it was really beautiful and the artist did an amazing job! I also think the concept of the Woods was super interesting and unique. I did enjoy the plot and storyline of this book, however there was so much text crammed on to the page it was a little bit of a drag to het through (although it was a quick read for me). I also did like the characters we were introduced to, but some times it was a little hard to keep up with them all and connect to them on a deeper level. I won’t lie, because there are so many characters, I don’t really remember any of the characters names but only recognize them from what they look like. Overall, I did enjoy this book and will continue on with the next volume to see if I will love this graphic novel as if progresses. It was a quick and fun read. I am also really hoping to become more invested into the storyline and the characters.

3.75/5 I definitely enjoyed this volume of the Woods a lot more than the first. I really enjoyed getting a deeper look into this new world they have found themselves in. As well as that, I also liked seeing into the characters past (well past year) and getting to know the characters on a more deeper level and understanding more about them. Despite that, I still did feel that disconnect from the characters like I did in the first volume. Overall, I enjoyed where the plot took us in this book and am intrigued to see where this story goes from here!

That was such a weird series.

Honestly what the ever loving fuck is happening


Well that was rude.


The plot fucking thickens.

Oh gosh.

Well this just gets weirder and weirder.

At first I thought I wouldn't like this, but in the end I really enjoyed the whole mystery behind what happened to everyone and the misplaced high school drama and all that. The art is pretty cool too.