The World of Madelon Vriesendorp

The World of Madelon Vriesendorp Paintings, Postcards, Objects, Games

Skyscrapers have sex and are caught in flagrante delicto. Between a pink torso and a buffed-up American GI, a nun spits fire. Synchronised swimmers, prize-winning vegetables and the mythic 'making' of Manhattan are all celebrated on countless postcards. A home-analysis kit combines the veneer of Freudian insight with the depth of Trivial Pursuit. Welcome to the world of artist Madelon Vriesendorp. This publication reveals for the first time a significant - and near secret - corpus of work notable for its wild diversity. Though Vriesendorp is best known for her seminal cycle of anthropomorphic architectural paintings, her extensive 'art of generosity' embraces bad taste, pop, 'playground surrealism' and the touching beauty of culture's failed objects. Here, enlightenment emerges from distraction, whilst seriousness must surrender to the non-serious.
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