The Year of Less
Easy read

The Year of Less How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life Is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store

Cait Flanders2019
Documents Cait's life from July 2014 to June 2015, during which time she challenged herself not to shop and bought only consumables: groceries, toiletries, gas for her car. Along the way, she found the less she consumed, the more fulfilled she felt.
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Photo of Rebecca Joy Tan
Rebecca Joy Tan@rebeccajoytan
5 stars
Feb 21, 2025

It’s so interesting because I did the shopping ban and many things in this book that it felt eerie reading it back! It’s also very timely for where I’m at now to evaluate where I’m at and reduce spending

Photo of LC
2 stars
Jul 5, 2024

** spoiler alert ** I was expecting and was fine with a memoir. Unfortunately, I wasn’t expecting the hardest thing the author goes through as an adult to be her parents’ divorce. Her focus on this felt forced, like manufactured drama, and I found it hard to relate. This book would benefit from a tighter edit in general. There were phrases and words seemingly repeated not as literary device, but out of sloppiness, and an editor should have caught these.

Photo of Niels Andersen
Niels Andersen@nielsandersen
3 stars
Apr 30, 2024

The concept of not buying crap you don’t need seems really appropriate for the times we live in. The book is a description of the ups and downs of being a 20 something working remotely in the knowledge economy and the story is maybe a bit humdrum and generic. I had hoped for a bit more advice on how to get started applying a similar system for myself but the book only has a little of that. If you want to learn how to apply the system in your own life you’d be better off watching a few of the author’s talks on YouTube and read some blog posts.

Photo of Kate B-L
Kate B-L@librarycard
2.5 stars
Mar 4, 2024

I felt like this book would be good for people who already knew who Cait is, as it's really more of a memoir than any kind of actionable guide.

Photo of Bilge Ince
Bilge Ince@bilge
4 stars
Jun 24, 2023

More was never the answer. The answer, it turned out, was always less. It’s been a while I started to recycle, up-cycle, and try to live simpler and even healthier. I spent a long time struggling with an auto-immune disease which I still have but silent for a couple of years. Therefore, I didn’t have a chance to ask myself the essential question, plus I was so young back then. However, I started to think over the rest of my life lately. I have 85 years in total at most. What do I want to do with it? How do I want to live it? I find my current answer on less, and this book was one of the things that helped me to discover it.

Photo of Gisela Ayala
Gisela Ayala @giselasmusings
3 stars
Sep 7, 2022

Interesting read. I think I wanted a bit more practical advice. Which the very last chapter does give you. Overall I think it was okay, and it did help set some intentions for myself.

Photo of Sonja H
Sonja H@sonjah
3 stars
Aug 12, 2022

Gerade zu Jahresbeginn lese ich gern Erfahrungsberichte von normalen Menschen, die sich für ein Jahr einer besonderen Herausforderung gestellt haben. Cait Flanders, eine junge Frau um die 30, wurde online bekannt über ihre öffentliche Auseinandersetzung auf ihrem Blog mit ihren Schulden und ihrem Weg, diese innerhalb relativ kurzer Zeit zu begleichen. „The Year of Less“ beschreibt das Jahr, in dem sie sich die Aufgabe stellte, 365 Tage lang nur nach einer strikten Liste einzukaufen und ansonsten jegliche Ausgaben zu vermeiden. Ich muss sagen, dass der Titel etwas verwirrend ist. Letzten Endes schildert Flanders in diesem Buch Monat für Monat ihre Gedanken zu ihrem Leben und wir erfahren mehr über ihren Alkoholentzug, ihre Beziehung zu den falschen Freunden, der Scheidung ihrer Eltern und ihrer Karriere als zu ihrem Vorhaben, nichts zu kaufen. Zwar ist es interessant, ihre Einstellungen zu ihrem Leben kennenzulernen und ich bin teilweise sehr beeindruckt von ihren ehrlichen und tiefgründigen Einsichten, aber leider läuft das alles zu sehr am Thema vorbei, um dieses Buch wirklich empfehlen zu können. Kann man lesen, muss man aber nicht.

Photo of Sarah Smith
Sarah Smith@surahsmith
1 star
Jul 14, 2022

Stopped listening to the audiobook in chapter 1 after hearing the hatred in her voice when she said "fat girl clothes." No thank you, not here for that in 2020.

Photo of aem
1 star
Apr 16, 2022

Lost me once she started equating alcoholism and overspending with "almost being in the plus size section."

Photo of Brigid Hogan
Brigid Hogan@br1gid
3 stars
Feb 28, 2022

It's a lovely memoir that is helping me rethink my own consumption habits. Why are all the reviews by people who didn't think it was a memoir?!

Photo of Georgia Carr
Georgia Carr@greatgatsbys
3 stars
Jan 16, 2022

too much like a long blog post for my liking but a great topic nonetheless

Photo of Irina
Irina @irinalit
5 stars
Jan 4, 2022

I honestly did not expect to take away from this book as much as I did. This book came into my life at the exact right moment that I needed it. Loved the perspective that Cait provides. And even if you can’t related to all of the things that she talks about in this book, I believe there is something for everyone. I will be recommending it to everyone.

Photo of Danica Holdaway
Danica Holdaway@dholdy
2 stars
Oct 29, 2021

Possibly the fault is mine for assuming this would be more manual/experience, but it’s mostly a memoir of someone with addictive compulsions gaining control of her life. Which is totally cool! It’s just not necessarily a handbook for minimalist lifestyles. I think a better format would be to expand the last chapter (the actual how-to) and intersperse her experiences with that instruction. And sometimes having the author read their own audiobooks is fine, but not the best option for this one.

Photo of Tori Carrillo
Tori Carrillo@stori_bookending90
2 stars
Oct 20, 2021

I’m not sure what I was expecting when I picked up this book. Written in somewhat of a diary format with each chapter representing a month in this year long “shopping ban” challenge, I learned a lot about the authors life and story for this year period of her life. It is quite repetitive. There’s maybe only a brief mention towards the end of each chapter about the shopping ban and the authors struggles or successes with it, and only sometimes does it tie into the story or life event of that chapter. Interesting concept for those considering a more minimalistic lifestyle and footprint as well as those who would like to take a closer look at whether material possessions are truly adding to their happiness or if shopping is just a coping mechanism thanks to marketing and consumerism.

Photo of Chelsea White
Chelsea White@itschelseaw
2 stars
Sep 26, 2021

2.5 stars. This was a decent book, it has definitely inspired me to take a hard look at my spending habits, and to take a shopping break this upcoming year. I listened to the audiobook, and by the end, the narrator had started grating on me. Her voice was very monotone with minimal emotion being shown, which made it difficult to connect with the story, especially in the more emotional parts. One thing about the book itself that really made me almost put it away without finishing it was when Flanders stated that her parents’ divorce was worse than a death in the family, because it was the death of the family unit. While I’m not trying to argue against her feelings regarding the divorce, at least every member of the family in question is still alive. As someone who has lost her dad, I was immediately put off from the rest of the book and couldn’t connect in the same way I had before.

Photo of Lysh (She/Her)
Lysh (She/Her)@teachreadreview
5 stars
Sep 2, 2021

I loved this. Cait talks about her decision to go on a No-Buy-year, and how this effected her finances, relationships, mindset, and many other experiences. Would recommend for anyone on a budget or looking into minimalism.

Photo of Aurooba Ahmed
Aurooba Ahmed@aurooba
4 stars
Aug 18, 2021

I had a really hard time reading this book. But I loved listening to it as an audiobook! A simple but fascinating memoir that I could often relate to in the oddest way, although I don't battle any addictions. Great listen.

Photo of Adam
5 stars
Aug 17, 2021

I've been reading Caits blog for longer than I can remember. Before the finance community was something I knew about, Cait's approach to heartfelt stories about minimalism and consumption was what drew me to read more. This book dives deeper with a narrative that winds through a difficult year. Going much deeper into personal stories than I expected, the common thread is a story of growth – both towards having less stuff, but also for better understanding what leads to happiness. Editing down a life to focus on what matters is no small undertaking, and many of these stories have inspired me to look at areas of my life that could use a little editing.

Photo of Erika A
Erika A@isthaterikaa
3.5 stars
Jul 28, 2024
Photo of Opa Kholis Majid
Opa Kholis Majid@opkhls
3 stars
Jun 14, 2023
Photo of Ashley Lock
Ashley Lock@ashley919
3.5 stars
Jun 3, 2023
Photo of Janice Walker
Janice Walker@walkertexasranger
3 stars
Aug 16, 2022
Photo of Ember Skies
Ember Skies@emberexplores
5 stars
Jul 24, 2024
Photo of Chana
4 stars
Jul 17, 2024