La morte amoureuse et autres nouvelles
De belles mortes ressuscitent par amour : des portraits, des tapisseries, des momies s'animent soudain pour venir perturber ou égayer l'existence d'innocents jeunes gens ; les époques, les morts et les vivants communiquent mystérieusement... Rêve ou réalité ?

Kamil Crain@literaryvillain



Julia A.@brizna


Solène Valganon @ballemnia28

Kamil Crain@literaryvillain
In a chiselled urn upon the table there was a faded white rose, whose leaves - excepting one that still held - had all fallen, like odorous tears, to the foot of the vase. A broken black mask, a fan, and disguises of every variety, which were lying on the armchairs, bore witness that death had entered suddenly and unannounced into that sumptuous dwelling.
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