Think Only Whites Are Racist? Think Again!

Think Only Whites Are Racist? Think Again! A Blackman's Perspective

Mohammed Ali2007
To most people Racism is a White man's thing. The South East Asians, the Chinese, Hispanics, African Americans and Arabs that I have met all believe racism is synonymous with white people who victimized them. However, in my capacity as a political refugee who has shared rooms and apartments and worked with many racial groups in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America, I don't believe in the baloney that only whites are racist. I hope I am not accused of being a white apologist. Yes whites may have perpetuated colonialism, segregation and apartheid and were heavily involved in slavery. And yes white supremacy groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan and other Neo-Nazi groups still exists. But is that all there is about racism? From my personal experience, it isn't the white people who have exhibited the most racism towards me. Unfortunately, the people who top the list of dishing out racism are those who normally complain about being the victims. In general, white people tend to show a lot of courtesy to people of color perhaps because they don't want race card used against them if non-whites don't receive what they want. Majority of whites also seems to be sensitive and are sophisticated with racism issues and take accusations of racism very serious even if they are practicing one. On the other hand, non-whites don't care whether they are called racist or not. Their logic that racism is a white man's thing is deep rooted; therefore, if you call them racist they treat it as a joke. Think Only Whites Are Racist? Think Again! is a new kind of book aimed at giving all fronts on the racial spectrum a fair shot and to make them all accountable for their actions, actions which are often detrimental to others. The book is also designed to change the current landscape of this vast topic and to usher in fresh ideas about fighting racial discrimination.
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