This is Your Brain on Music The Science of a Human Obsession
Explores the relationship between the mind and music by drawing on recent findings in the fields of neuroscience and evolutionary psychology to discuss topics such as the sources of musical tastes and the brain's responses to music.


Traci Wilbanks@traci

Nitin Garg@nitin

Jordi Enric@jordi

Nadav Spiegelman@nadavspi

Steve Daniels@stevezie

Ri Liu@riblah

Katie Ravenwood@katieravenwood

Ari Hertz@arihertz

Elizabeth Moore@haddyaddy

Courtney Woolery@courtneyskye

Grace Martinez@readwgrace

Alper Kanyilmaz@alper

Dan Govier@waving

Claire Taylor@eachpeachclaire

Kirsten Adam@kcs_adam

Johanna Kenrick@jmkenrick

Ryan B Harvey@codeanddata


Joe Woods@woods

Andrew Molina@momoprobs

Zach Spencer@ghostzach
