The Imitation of Christ
THE IMITATION OF CHRIST.... A cornerstone book in our rich Christian literary heritage. Audio Excerpts Download Color timeline Detailed index Author biography Illustrations Study guide Sensitively revised in modern English One of an expanding collection Thomas Kempis leads the honest seeker as deeply into the inward life with Christ as it is possible for a human being to go, allowing the reader to draw away from the noise and clamor of the everyday world to personally experience Jesus' promise: ''Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you'' (John 14:27). It took Thomas a Kempis seven years to write this book by hand over five centuries ago. Since then, The Imitation of Christ has been translated into more languages than any other book except the Bible, and is acclaimed by people of all faiths to be one of the greatest spiritual books ever written. This Christian masterpiece is sensitively revised, contains more than 1,000 scriptural references and notes, and features a section of devotional meditations.

Sarah Selden@inkling1517