Economic Impacts of Logistics Infrastructure Development

Economic Impacts of Logistics Infrastructure Development The Case of Hong Kong

The future of Hong Kong's strategic position in the Asia-Pacific region depends to a large extent on its advantage in providing logistics and entrepot services. As a service economy which is largely driven by external demand for its goods and services, Hong Kong needs to improve its international competitiveness by investing in logistics infrastructure and technology, maintaining a well-educated workforce and being sensitive to the needs of customers and changes in the market place. Hong Kong should strengthen its distribution role and its comparative advantage by upgrading its gateway functions, offering world-class low-rise-high-ceiling warehousing and storage space, providing modern facilities and efficient inter-modal transfer with advanced and sophisticated information services. The sustainability of Hong Kong as the regional hub largely depends on how well it can meet the challenges of providing outstanding logistics (including air and sea port) services while keeping handling charges and operating costs at competitive levels. Equally important, the cross-boundary flow of goods between Hong Kong and South China must not be unduly impeded by administrative or bureaucratic procedures. Facilitating the flow of goods and services across the border will benefit both the Chinese and the local economies. This book examines the scale of the economic impacts from the investments in logistics infrastructure expansion as well as the investment in the installation of latest logistics technology necessary to transform Hong Kong into a state-of-the-art logistics centre.
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