The Last Flower Una Despedida de Madre (A Farewell to Mother)
In the early 60's, eighteen-year-old Jose Lozano, with a forged birth certificate, immigrates to the United States. Wishing to assimilate quickly, he rents an apartment, Buys a car, gets his driver's license, finds a job and registers for the draft. He meets a beautiful girl, Angelina, but before their relationship matures, he is drafted. Before reporting to the draft board, he enlists into the U S Marine Corps. Following his boot camp he is sent to aviation electronics school in Memphis, TN. After his schooling, he is assigned to a helicopter squadron and is sent to Vietnam. Follow Jose as he and his crew chief prevent a firebase from being overrun during a nighttime attack. Feel his wounds and flashbacks as he is flown by chopper to the Da Nang airbase hospital. Within a few days he is airlifted back to Cherry Point NC, for recovery and rehabilitation. The heart- warming ending will make everyone believe, dreams do come true.