Care of the Soul

Care of the Soul Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life, A

Thomas Moore1994
This New York Times bestseller (more than 200,000 hardcover copies sold) provides a path-breaking lifestyle handbook that shows how to add spirituality, depth, and meaning to modern-day life by nurturing the soul.
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Photo of Laura Mei
Laura Mei@thelibrariansnook
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May 16, 2023
Photo of Aria Stewart
Aria Stewart@aredridel
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Photo of Laura Mei
Laura Mei@thelibrariansnook

In the soul, power doesn't work the same way as it does in the ego and will. When we want to accomplish something egotistically, we gather our strength, develop a strategy, and apply every effort. The power of the soul, in contrast, is more like a great reservoir or, in traditional imagery, like the force of water in a fast-rushing river. It is natural, not manipulated, and stems from an unknown source. Our role with this kind of power is to be an attentive observer noticing how the soul wants to thrust itself into life. It is also our task to find artful means of articulating and structuring that power, taking full responsibility for it, but trusting too that the soul has intentions and necessities that we may understand only partially. Neither ego-centered on the one hand nor pure passivity on the other serve the soul. Soul work requires both much reflection and also hard work.

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Photo of Laura Mei
Laura Mei@thelibrariansnook

In his memoirs Jung makes a remarkable statement about the child. Childhood, he says, "sketches a more complete picture of the Self, of the whole man in his pure individuality, than adulthood." He goes on to say that a child will bring to light longings in an adult for unfulfilled desires that have been lost in adaptation to civilization.

Page 53
Photo of Laura Mei
Laura Mei@thelibrariansnook

Growing old is one of the ways the soul nudges itself into attention to the spiritual aspect of life. The body’s changes teach us about fate, time, nature, mortality, and character. Aging forces us to decide what is important in life.

Aging brings out the flavors of a personality. The individual emerges over time, the way fruit matures and ripens. In the Renaissance view, depression, aging, and individuality all go together: the sadness of growing old is part of becoming an individual. Melancholy thoughts carve out an interior space where wisdom can take up residence.

Photo of Laura Mei
Laura Mei@thelibrariansnook

Soul-making is a journey that takes time, effort, skill, knowledge, intuition, and courage. It is helpful to know that all work with soul is process — alchemy, pilgrimage, and adventure — so that we don’t expert instant success or even any kind of finality. All goals and all endings are heuristic, important in their being imagined, but never literally fulfilled.

Photo of Laura Mei
Laura Mei@thelibrariansnook

The word passion means basically “to be affected,” and passion is the essential energy of the soul. The poet Rilke describes this passive power in the imagery of the flower’s structure, when he calls it a “muscle of infinite reception.” We don’t often think of the capacity to be affected as strength and as the work of a powerful muscle, and yet for the soul, as for the flower, this is its toughest work and its main role in our lives.

Photo of Laura Mei
Laura Mei@thelibrariansnook

Often care of the soul means not taking sides when there is a conflict at a deep level. It may be necessary to stretch the heart wide enough to embrace contradiction and paradox.

Photo of Laura Mei
Laura Mei@thelibrariansnook

Spirituality is seeded, germinates, sprouts and blossoms in the mundane. It is to be found and nurtured in the smallest of daily activities.

Photo of Laura Mei
Laura Mei@thelibrariansnook

It is in the nature of things to be drawn to the very experiences that will spoil our innocence, transform our lives, and give us necessary complexity and depth.

Photo of Laura Mei
Laura Mei@thelibrariansnook

To the soul, memory is more important than planning, art more compelling than reason, and love more fulfilling than understanding.

Photo of Laura Mei
Laura Mei@thelibrariansnook

As the poets and painters of centuries have tried to tell us, art is not about the expression of talent or the making of pretty things. It is about the preservation and containment of soul. It is about arresting life and making it available for contemplation. Art captures the eternal in the everyday, and it is the eternal that feeds soul — the whole world in a grain of sand.

Photo of Laura Mei
Laura Mei@thelibrariansnook

When we relate to our bodies as having soul, we attend to their beauty, their poetry and their expressiveness. Our very habit of treating the body as a machine, whose muscles are like pulleys and its organs engines, forces its poetry underground, so that we experience the body as an instrument and see its poetics only in illness.