Globalization and the Study of Education

Globalization and the Study of Education

The National Society for the Study of Education is an organization of education scholars, professional educators, and policymakers dedicated to the improvement of education research, policy, and practice. Founded in 1901 by a small group of distinguished educators including John Dewey, Nicholas Murray Butler, and Charles Hubbard Judd, NSSE is the oldest national educational research organization in the United States. The mission of the National Society for the Study of Education is to investigate enduring and contemporary problems, disseminate the findings of its investigations, and engage members of the education community in study and discourse around those findings for the improvement of research, policy, and practice. One important way the Society accomplishes this mission is through the publication of its two-volume yearbooks, now in their 108th year. Each volume of a yearbook deals with a separate topic of current concern to educators. With knowledgeable scholars and practitioners as contributing authors, the yearbooks are reliable and authoritative sources of information on timely educational topics. Some yearbooks have become landmark publications in the field with which they deal.
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