NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - In this definitive novel, readers will follow Thrawn's rise to power--uncovering the events that created one of the most iconic villains in Star Wars history. One of the most cunning and ruthless warriors in the history of the Galactic Empire, Grand Admiral Thrawn is also one of the most captivating characters in the Star Wars universe, from his introduction in bestselling author Timothy Zahn's classic Heir to the Empire through his continuing adventures in Dark Force Rising, The Last Command, and beyond. But Thrawn's origins and the story of his rise in the Imperial ranks have remained mysterious. Now, in Star Wars: Thrawn, Timothy Zahn chronicles the fateful events that launched the blue-skinned, red-eyed master of military strategy and lethal warfare into the highest realms of power--and infamy. Praise for Thrawn "The origin story of one of the greatest Star Wars villains . . . a book that fans have wanted for decades."--The Verge "A satisfying tale of political intrigue . . . Thrawn's observations and tactical thinking are utterly captivating."--New York Daily News "Quite the page-turner."--Flickering Myth

Robin M Cabana@rmcabana
This book has everything I love about Star Wars fiction: written by Timothy Zahn, two of my fave villains Thrawn and Vader; and female characters (Padme). It deals with Vader’s memories of Anakin and Thrawn’s awesome mastermind abilities. The narrative jumps between the Clone Wars and Rebels eras. I just didn’t love the story overall. Maybe I didn’t like the conflict/alliance between two of my favorites?

Not as good as the first book, but I still enjoyed the hell out of this. Can't wait for Treason to come out in July.


Cody Madden@penguin



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