Three Day Road
It is 1919, and Niska, the last Oji-Cree woman to live off the land, has received word that one of the two boys she saw off to the Great War has returned. Xavier Bird, her sole living relation, is gravely wounded and addicted to morphine. As Niska slowly paddles her canoe on the three-day journey to bring Xavier home, travelling through the stark but stunning landscape of Northern Ontario, their respective stories emerge--stories of Niska's life among her kin and of Xavier's horrifying experiences in the killing fields of Ypres and the Somme.
Stephanie Honour@stephonour
Reyna Wren@bookishbabe
Melody Izard@mizard
Laura Springall@bookishlifeoflaura
I.m. ruzz@ruzz
Frank Huang@frankhme
Elena Favret@elenafav
Jackson Weaver@jacksonweaver
Emily Burns@emilymelissabee
Jill Clark@jillsy
Autumn Wolf@autumnwolf
Ellen Watters@sengjen
Olivia @oliviadavis
Patrick Baumann@pbaumann
Evan Huang@eh04
Anthony Sabourin@anthonysabourin
Anna Campbell@ajcampbell
Clara Jo@clarajohenry
Kim @readwithkim
libby g@okaylib
Phil James@philjames