
My Review (May Contain Spoilers, Fair Warning Upon Reading This Review)
Three Is A War is a continuation of this marvelous love triangle between these three individuals: Cole, Danni and Trace. Cole and Trace have kidnapped Danni to a remote cabin in the mountains where all three will live together and get to the bottom of their issues and what is truly right between these individuals. There is such great tension that grows between these all individuals. We really get to the bottom of their issues, we see a change in the bond between Cole and Trace which is utterly delightful. The previous book there was so much animosity, but in this one we see their true bond of friendship despite what is between them involving Danni. Then we have Danni who is still completely torn between these two men.
We do see this story quite resolved. And I liked that the author didn't leave one of them alone (As he has books in her Deliver series. I was satisfied with how this book ends. I feel like the author didn't go out the easy way but she also brought it to a conclusion that makes perfect sense. It definitely had plenty of feels in what we see these individuals go through in this one here. There is some wisdom in what the men display here and a maturity that we didn't quite get to see in the previous book which I highly appreciated. I really valued the development of the romance that occurs and even if you aren't a big fan of love triangles I do think that this one was so delicately handled and it does have some higher levels of spice than I would have liked. I did find that this final installment was satisfying and packed with feels.

This book was an absolute perfection. The Author broke my heart and put it back together through out this really beautifully written series. I really enjoyed it. "“He was a choice. Don’t you get it? You were never a decision.” I breathe in, recalling the words he said to me. “You’re the realization clawing at my insides without coercion or doubt or the pressure of time. My heart beats for you and only you, not because you command it, but because we’re meant to be.”"

** spoiler alert ** I went in to this book ready to give it a 3 or 4 star depending on the ending. I got the ending I want and somehow my heart is still broken. HOW. I love Cole. I really really do but in my heart, Danni had already grieved his loss and while she still loved him, to me she was ready to move on. Trace is *immaculate* I adore him with everything in my being and when Danni picked Cole over him I cried, I sobbed, I forgot what emotions meant. AND THEN WHEN COLE LET HER GO SO SHE COULD GO BE WITH TRACE 😭 I'm honestly in shock that I loved this trilogy so so sooo much. I don't like love triangles because the entire time I'm thinking #whychoose. This trilogy completely messed with me and I don't know what to now that it's ended.