Through the Woods

not really my style of book but the first story is definitely haunting…

I will never not listen to my mutuals when they recommend graphic novels to me

I shouldn't have read this after midnight..*-*

"It came from the woods. Most strange things do." This was such a pleasant read, and the illustrations were beyond gorgeous.

i want to read more horror graphic novels. please give me some recommendations.


As someone who is just now getting introduced to the graphic novel world, I picked this up mainly because of the awesome reviews. And I'm so glad I did. SO GLAD. This novel is absolutely STUNNING. SERIOUSLY. I read this in mid-October, around Halloween and it was the perfect read. It's spooky and haunting but so beautiful. All the stories are fabulously written and gripping, the perfect amount of dialogue with artwork. I often found myself just looking at the pictures and forgetting to read because they were just so GORGEOUS. My personal fave short stories were the first two, but all of them are amazing. Read this graphic novel. Like, right now.

not my type of books i will read and i see why. one of the stories definitely creeped me out and i don't know if that's something i should find myself contented so that's probably why i would step myself out of horror stories. carroll drew great illustrations so that's one of the good things i would have to say about this book other than the content.

It was like a series of creepypastas paired with creepy yet beautifully drawn illustrations. A very nice read.

Muito lindo, diagramação daora demais, estilo incrível. Porém, por ser HQ as histórias não conseguiram me prender tanto, pouco desenvolvimento dos personagens dos contos

this is so well made, i love every short stories in this book also the artwork is so beautiful and veryy gore & spooky

Do you want something that's spine-tingling? Do you want goosebumps and chills all over? How about beautiful artwork? A bunch of creepy stories with one of the most wonderful art style you've ever seen. Even the lettering is more towards that artsy style. Dark and beautiful settings lots of mystery and a real page-turner for every story. Let me get set you up for the first story by Emily in this graphic novel. Three sisters living in a secluded house in the woods, it's winter and their dad's gotta go somewhere, tells them that if he's not back in 3 days they should dress up, get some food and water and go to the neighbor's place... and their father has not come back, and they argue, older sister says dad will come back... and I'm not going to spoil it for you. Creepy stuff all over the place! Must read.

Beautiful illustrations, chilling storylines and suspenseful deliveries. It was great!

Five creepy horror stories that can best be described as folk tale horror, all centering around the woods. Loved the illustration style.

sebenarnya aku ga tamat baca buku ini, cuman sampe tengah2, karena ga paham sama isi ceritanya T-T kek apaan... ya lumayan sih nambah vocabulary bahasa inggris

This book had mixed ratings and reviews. But, I was in a reading slump and wanted something that I could get through quickly. I had heard this graphic novel was creepy and had beautiful artwork so I decided to try it. The artwork is definitely beautiful and the color palette complimented the creepy vibe, as well. However, I thought it was one story within this graphic novel and it is a compilation of various creepy short stories. I enjoyed some stories more than others; however, I feel that the stories ended too abruptly and I was left wanting more. Overall, it was enjoyable and I think it would be a good choice for the fall and/or Halloween.

4.5/5 Quick read and I really liked it. It was terrifying, but I liked it. The artwork was cool, too.

I really enjoyed this book by Caroll. It was my first read by her and definitely a good recommendation for anyone looking to get into gothic comics 💓

Although the stories weren’t as creepy as I would have liked, I did enjoy the folklore like feeling throughout. But what the stories lacked was definitely made up by the amazing artwork. A nice, quick little read. Perfect for the spooky season.

Chilling and spooky stuff, I never knew comics could be so good. The lettering is amazing, the colors so beautiful and atmospheric, the storytelling, the pacing, just marvelous. This is a masterwork. And I particularly like how stories in this collection share the same universe with some of the web comics Carroll has been putting on online: ~"Rebecca" storyline. Just love this.

So creepy and eerie! Loved it!


more soothing than scary tbh. art style was great.

Ilustrasi nya 4⭐ cerita 3⭐ The Nesting place sama Lady cold hand salah dua paling ku suka. Illustrasi nya emang beneran creepy sti giving me chill feeling after finished it.