
Jeni Enjaian@jenienjaian
This was a much welcomed change of pace from the dragging, "classic" fiction I have been reading lately. As an amateur historian this book is fascinating to study for its historiography rather than its historicity. There are far too many names to follow (without detailed charting) the course of the war exactly. This boon reads more like reality than the Iliad-as it should-but has touches typical of the time such as the inclusion of entire (partisan) speeches. For all history lovers as well as those reading through the classics I highly recommend this book.

Jim Hagan@aranyalma

Tom Gregson@gregsonog

Andréa Mellalieu@dremellalieu

Michael Cowell@chaosweeper

Nile Gomez @nilegomez

Michael W@mrwool


Lucy Hay@lucyisabel

Tania Santos Ferro@taniasferro

Imie Kent-Muller@mythicreader

Julia A.@brizna

Jane K@ojane

pam a lamb@alambnamedpam

Dr. Bitchcraft@olivepunk

Mary Coggins@marymason

Joshua Line@fictionjunky

Amro Gebreel@amro

Sabrina Zielinski@sabrinazielinski

Ale Quintana Arocho@ale


Lemonia Stroubos@lemstr