88 Natural Remedies

88 Natural Remedies Ancient Healing Traditions for Modern Times

Runny nose, watery eyes, sinus headache? Don't reach for the Claritin. Instead, learn how to treat seasonal allergies with nasal lavage, a time-honored practice. Upset stomach? Forget chalky antacids; instead wear an acupressure wrist band or chew on a teaspoon of fennel, favored by Indians for combating the effects of spicy food. Fight insomnia with valerian root, the leading natural herb to promote quality sleep with no side effects. Sections include: Acupressure; Aromatherapy; Ayurvedic Medicine; Breath Therapy; Herbs; Hydrotherapy; Massage Therapy; Meditation; Nasal Lavage and Steam Therapy; Qigong; Reflexology; Shiatsu; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Yoga.
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