

Tiffany Reisz2011

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Photo of Anna Ureta
Anna Ureta@akiikomori
5 stars
Jan 23, 2023

The Original Sinners series is another series that I’m ASHAMED to say has sat on my shelf for a very long time… A lot of readers have been telling me to read Tiffany Reisz for a very long time and the thing that got me was the length of the book. That book is MASSIVE. Don’t get me wrong, I like big books, but I really like staying on top of my Goodreads challenge if you know what I mean. It took me…what three weeks? Ish? to finish the book which is like forever when you have to read a book a week. However despite the book’s massive size, I am PROUD to say that I am HOOKED on Nora and Soren!!! This book was like FIRE TO ME. It burned and was addicting, but felt so good at the same time. I would have devoured it if it weren’t so long, and now all I want to do is read the rest! Only six weeks until infamous editor Zach Easton moves to California and he’s stuck working with this romance/erotica writer – Nora Sutherlin. At first he doesn’t believe she has what it takes, but after reading her rough draft he’s hooked. He only has six weeks to edit her book and in that time – to get to know her as well. Nora Sutherlin is an enigma. She’s very different and extremely dangerous. By day she strives to be a real writer, but every so often her hotline rings and she goes off to her second job – being a Dominatrix. And not just any Dominatrix, but the most famous one in New York. Nora may look confident, sexy and dangerous but she has secrets of her own. There is one man in New York who can make her do just about anything….and she is…was in love with him once upon a time, and that man was her dom – Soren. This book was LONG, COMPLEX, but also EXTREMELY IMMERSIVE. I will admit to having reservations about this book being good as I don’t like to follow the hype but, damn… This book was amazing! The only criticism I have to mention is the length… It’s not that I don’t like length books, I just felt like the pace was extremely slow, especially in the beginning. Almost nothing really picked up until halfway, reminding me a lot about The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I believe the reason for the pacing was because the author needed to set up back-story before getting down and dirty. But for that first half of the book it really was a mission just to get halfway… I honestly wasn’t even sure I’d make it. But once you reach the halfway point I promise its smooth sailing from there! Reisz creates a slew of amazing and unique characters that just jump right off the page. I found it extremely difficult hating or disliking all of them for one reason or another and that almost never happens. There is so much detail and depth in the book that even at the very end….it gets you. The book tugs at your heart-strings and your sympathies and makes you feel for these characters going through their trials of love and loss. “There are only two reasons why you leave someone you’re still in love with – either it’s the right thing to do, or it’s the only thing to do.” The relationships these characters enter into are EXTREMELY COMPLICATED and all tell a different story of their own. I enjoy hearing about Nora and Wes, Nora and Soren, and Nora and Zach. It’s sad to think that this woman who is the centre of their world has such a hard time being happy. She always has to sacrifice something for her happiness, and even then it isn’t enough. Part of me wants to go Team Wes but at the same time I think I’m leaning towards Team Soren, even though I don’t think it’s possible for him to love her the way she wants to be loved… “And although two people can love each other deeply, sometimes love alone doesn’t cut it. We can only sacrifice so much of ourselves in a relationship before there’s nothing left to love or be loved.” The Siren was such an enjoyable read I would definitely put it on my list of books to read again in the future. I can’t wait to delve into the next one…despite its length, I will try my hardest. This book might not have made my heart race, or keep me on the edge of my seat, but it did open my eyes and my heart and let me feel sympathies for these characters in a way that I’ve never felt before. It truly is a different kind of love story where happy endings aren’t guaranteed. 5/5 Hearts of Love Read the rest of my reviews at

Photo of Ashley Janssen
Ashley Janssen@aninterestingidea
4 stars
Oct 18, 2022

This was a pleasant surprise. It had unexpected depth and interesting characters. It also presents thought-provoking ideas around what it means to be in (and show) love. Some are easier to reconcile than others. ;)

Photo of Heather
Heather @scottishflower375
5 stars
Apr 27, 2022


Photo of Nicki
4 stars
Apr 8, 2022

This is so close to being five stars but there were a few things that were unnerving to me and a more coherent review to follow.

Photo of Siobhán
5 stars
Oct 17, 2021

**2016 Re-Read: I've bumped the rating up a star because it get Nora now!** 2012 original read: I have had this on my kindle for quite a while and honestly I completely forgot about until I received book 3 for review. I know shocking that I could forgot a book. Bad Book Blogger!! I had read so many good reviews that I thought I would love it. And even though I actually really enjoyed the book. The story is dark and dangerously sexy I found the main characters lacking. Honestly I wanted to beat them up they annoyed me so much. The Siren is book 1 in the Original Sinners series and is told from Nora and Zach's POV. Nora is an erotic writer by day but she has a secret she is a Dominatrix and not just any, she is THE Dominatrix. Powerful and terrifying. But Nora has a past. She is a Switch, which means she can be both a Dom or Sub. Nora's past is quite dark. And it is an interesting past and I really enjoyed finding out about her and her relationship with Soren. But she comes across so immature for her age. Nora is in her 30s but she comes across like a teenager at times. She is selfish and I wanted to beat her up she was so annoying. But she would have liked that lol. She lives with an unpaid intern called Wesley, he is 19 years old and in love with Nora although they have never slept together. Wesley was the the only character I actually liked. And even though Nora is pain I honestly felt that she was in love with him aswell. Zach, is Nora's editor. He just bored me so much. I kinda thought he was a pointless character. I get that he pushed Nora to write her book better but man was he boring as hell. I mention Soren above. Now he isn't actually in the book alot but he plays a HUGE part in Nora's story. I didn't like him at all. But there is no denying that you are drawn to him and want to know more about him and the twist in the story with him and who is really is I guess is meant to shock but I thought it was amazing.I really shouldn't have since I am Catholic but I'm not a very good and thought Soren was interesting. Now Tiffany Reisz is an amazing story teller. There is no doubt about that. I was drawn into this dark world and I am not going to lie I was hooked. I devoured the book. I just didn't like the characters apart from Wesley so I couldn't get the full connection to really love it. The Siren is NOT a romance story. So if you go into this thinking it is you are going to be really disappointed. Tiffany Reisz has create something that is sexy, dark but quite violent. And that I can understand why why people can find is shocking. It takes a lot to shock me. I understand why people find it too graphic. But I understand that this is fiction and yes this world really does exsist out there. Although as long as everything is consensual I say each to their own. I applaud Tiffany to tackling the more darker side to BDSM and writing is wonderfully. Do I recommend this? Yes, I really do. Even though I personally found Nora as a shallow, immature woman I still really enjoyed the story and learning about Nora and her life. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series. I am hopefully I like the characters more in the sequel

Photo of Lynn Braden
Lynn Braden@ftbooklover
2 stars
Oct 8, 2021

I didn't like the relationships in this story. It just made me sad.

Photo of Anna // read.all.night
Anna // read.all.night @readallnight
2 stars
Sep 24, 2021

One of the better written books I've read this year, but the ending crushed me. Hated where everyone ended up enough that I wish I hadn't read it

Photo of Lacey
4 stars
Aug 26, 2021

Oh my god this book fucked me up. WOW. I just have no words! I'm honestly scared to read the rest of the series now because I know Tiffany Reisz will mess with my emotions even more. (view spoiler)[I'M STILL CRYING OVER WESLEY UGHHHH (hide spoiler)]

Photo of Stacey Nicole
Stacey Nicole@staysea
5 stars
Nov 28, 2023
Photo of Elin
4 stars
Nov 22, 2023
Photo of fran :)
fran :)@fran_idk
3 stars
Jul 28, 2023
Photo of sisyphean
3 stars
Jul 26, 2023
Photo of Rhiannon Mansfield
Rhiannon Mansfield@rhiannon
4 stars
Mar 24, 2023
Photo of Hadeer Tarek
Hadeer Tarek @hadeertarek
4 stars
Mar 6, 2023
Photo of Beatriz Aguiar
Beatriz Aguiar@alchemistta
5 stars
Jan 22, 2023
Photo of Raya
4 stars
Jan 8, 2023
Photo of Thmaiden
4 stars
Aug 12, 2022
Photo of Adebimpe Bashorun
Adebimpe Bashorun@booketcafe
4 stars
May 7, 2022
Photo of Katelyn Rush
Katelyn Rush@katelyninarush
1 star
Mar 23, 2022
Photo of Hebe Walshaw
Hebe Walshaw@hebecicely
3 stars
Mar 7, 2022
Photo of London Lynn
London Lynn@serial_london
5 stars
Feb 24, 2022
Photo of Leah
3 stars
Jan 17, 2022
Photo of Alexandria Wilkie
Alexandria Wilkie@sandrylene
3 stars
Jan 5, 2022
Photo of Michelle Hammond
Michelle Hammond@mhammond8
5 stars
Dec 15, 2021

This book appears in the club 19th century

War and Peace
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Moby-Dick, Or, The Whale
Moby-Dick, Or, The Whale by Herman Melville
Madame Bovary
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
The Idiot
The Idiot by Anna Brailovsky
North and South
North and South by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell