Tim Flanagan
The Moon Stealers and the Queen of the Underworld (Retro Teen Edition)

The Moon Stealers and the Queen of the Underworld (Retro Teen Edition)

Tim Flanagan2013
This is the same book as the other Queen of the Underworld, but with different cover art. The science fiction adventure series continues into a fantasy land After finding the magical Silver Bough in the first Moon Stealer book, the portal to the underworld opens enabling Sir Edgar and the children; Max, Joe and Scarlet to jump through. They find themselves in a world at war and quickly become involved in an uprising against the Faerie Queen. Their quest to find Peter Crisp continues, but the threat of the alien bacteria back home looms over them. Sir Edgar's attempt at gaining the Faerie Queens help in ridding the Moon Stealers from Earth looks like it may be a fruitless task. In such an unchartered land it's difficult knowing who is friend and who is foe. Danger lurks in the most innocent of places. The Moon Stealers and the Quest for the Silver Bough - Book 1 is available on Amazon on Kindle and in Paperback "The Moon Stealers is a little fun, a little scary and a lot adventure. The science fiction adventure theme of book one changes in book two to become more fantasy based with Elves, Unicorns, Centaurs and many others forming a cast of thousands as the underworld is taken to war. This is a classic tale of good against evil and championing of the under dog. Once again, this book will appeal to teenagers and middle grade students as well as adults. The excitement and pace of book one will have left you wanting more, and the second book will not disappoint. The adventure continues as soon as you turn page one and doesn't give you time to breath until you put it down and beg for book three! What the reviewers have to say about The Moon Stealers series "A definite must read with its imaginative monsters, realistic main characters, science knowledge, mystery and a unique style which keeps you reading." - Amazon Reviewer. "It was really well written and had such rich detail that made the book shine and come to life .... an amazing jigsaw that slowly comes together." - Best Books. "One of the best books I have read on the subject so far! I think it will be a big hit with boys. Great start to this series." - Addicted To Books. "This is a very entertaining book that anyone can enjoy. I can't wait for the next one." - All My Book Finds. A personal note from the author The idea for the Moon Stealers arrived, quite innocently one morning when myself and my son, James were getting ready in the bathroom. He asked me to tell him a story so I randomly said, 'Have you heard the one about the Moon Stealers?' and the seed of imagination started. Only a wild and exciting story would be good enough for him so during our time in the bathroom, we threw loads of ideas at each other and concocted an early form of the story. Later, as I started to write, I found that the ideas seemed to organically grow by themselves. James went through every chapter with his pencil telling me where I had made errors. Writing a book for teenagers and young people provides a writer a lot more freedom for ideas and possibilities than an adult one. Children are much more likely to accept things that an adult's methodical and scientific brain would be closed to. With children there is no 'that's not possible,' or 'he wouldn't do that,' or 'because of the erratic nature of ion's it would not be physically possible for teleportation to occur when it rains.' In short, to a child anything is possible. And, as a writer, that's exciting. Writing The Moon Stealers has taken me on a journey back to my childhood and the stories of fantasy and imagination I read in books and comics. I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I did writing it.
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