A man battles his addiction to a devastating nanotech drug that steals identities and threatens the survival and succession of mankind as a galactic species. After the Nova-Insanity shatters modern civilization, new factions arise from the fusion-glass of destruction to challenge the giant orbital corporation that once was the saviour of humanity but now holds it hostage under a hegemony of addiction and reprisal. Rex battles his personal nemesis Glow, a vicious, all-controlling nanotech drug that lives-on across multiple hosts, cutting and pasting memories and personas as it follows its own innate rules of survival. Head filled with dark secrets and the ghostly reconstructions of past users, Rex is pursued through the grim remnants of Coriolis City by an assassin whose synthetic, pre-apocalyptic biology makes him virtually unstoppable. To the transhuman uprising, Rex could be a prophet, his memory a repository of historic attractor-states sent from the future. To others, he's the nanotech-plague incarnate, the end of all biological life and the start of something terrifying and new.