Monster! #28/29 (Vampire Cover)

Monster! #28/29 (Vampire Cover) Super Spring Special - Lovecraftian Vampires and More

MONSTER! #28/29 Amazon hype Okay, this here's our first ever (and hopefully last!) "double" issue, which has twice as many pages as our usual average-sized ish, hence it must be our... Spring Special! However, rather than come up with a paragraph of sales hype which is twice as long as usual, we're just gonna keep things short (unlike the mag itself!) and sweet. Thanks to our regular reliable roster of talented scribes (and artists) - plus a few new contributors besides - we've got a gigantic grab-bag of monstersome goodness (and BADness) for you: including articles about/reviews of a clutch of HPL-themed movies; Jess Franco's 1970s "monster mash" trilogy; '70s FRANKENSTEIN made-for-TV flicks; a cinema/pop culture career overview of Countess Elizabeth Bathory; Pt.2 of "Australian Gothic," about the 1929 Australian stage tour of the play DRACULA; the obscure 1960s monster mag called SHRIEK!; Mexi-mummy movies featuring the shabby shamble known as Popoca; plus plentiful other features interspersed throughout, of both the written word and visual art kinds. Individual movies covered include DAGON (2001), THE COLOR OUT OF SPACE (2010), CULT OF THE COBRA (1955), IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS (1994), THE PROJECTED MAN (1966), CTHULHU MANSION (1990), HOUSE (1986), THE BLOOD BEAST TERROR (1967), THE PROMISE KEEPER (2006), plus more besides. Our vaster than usual list of writing contribs totals Michael Hauss, Seb Godin, Cédric Monget, Eric Messina, John Harrison, Bill Adcock, Martín Núñez, Troy Howarth, Stephen R. Bissette, Andy Ross, Daniel Best, Christos Mouroukis, Matthew E. Banks, Ian Coleman, John Goodrich, Les Moore, Brian Harris, Tony Strauss, Steve Fenton, and Tim Paxton, plus we have some real snazzy artwork contributions from Matt Bradshaw, Jeff Grimal and Andy Ross. Then there's book and comic reviews, plus a whole whack of info regarding the video availability of specific movie titles covered. Get set for Creature feature overload!
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