
Grayson could have been a brilliant series had Seeley slowed down. The volumes were so fast that the plot was often confused and it was hard to maintain a connection to the characters (other than Dick, of course). It was a great premise, but lackluster execution. Volume 5 really isn't much different than the rest. Things with Spiral come to a head with... some weird supernatural climax. Very current DC, alas. Everything is wrapped up in a neat little, doesn't make any sense what-so-ever bow, but hey, Nightwing is back! I'll miss the spy years, though I hope the poor lad gets some better writing soon...

I picked this up not really thinking I would like it but I was pleasantly surprised. I found this Ty good and it was pretty funny to boot. I am looking forward to the next volume.

This is the first DC work I've read...ever I believe. I picked it up because I'm one of the many who saw the bruhaha over the newest Midnighter comic run and was curious about the characters. When I found out it was a continuation of a series that sprouted out of Grayson, I figured I'd start here and work my way forward (though I think I need to backtrack a bit more to StormWatch to figure out what the drama is between Midnighter and Apollo?). As an introduction to Dick Grayson/Nightwing, this did a great job of giving me a quick catch-up on what has been going on in his life leading up to now. It's made me curious and I'll likely go back and read the past Nightwing series. He's a fun character, the art and inking are gorgeous, and my general interest has been perked, so Grayson 2 will be on my shopping list next time I hit a comic shop.

Really enjoyed this. I'm irrationally annoyed that I don't have volume 3 already. I believe a trip to the comic store is in order tomorrow.

This could have been better but it wasn't bad. A good enough way to wrap up a fun series. On to Nightwing: Rebirth and I guess?

After the insane twists at the end of Nightwing, I had no clue what would happen to my favorite DC hero. I knew what his main goal was but a superhero turned spy? Oh I had to read this. I read it in 1 setting which is always good because I just couldn't put it down. The new characters, and how gray everything was starting to turn while Dick tried to stay closer to Nightwing rather than Agent 37 was incredibly intriguing. I loved it. Can't wait for volume two!