Time Management

Time Management How to Control Your Day in an Uncontrollable Workplace

Laura Stack2011
Do you find yourself continually racing against time? Do you feel that you have so much to do that it's difficult to get anything done? Time management is much more complicated than making a list and checking things off. Managing time effectively is the key to managing your individual performance. Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, will teach you how to set priorities; focus on what's truly important; and schedule your day. You'll learn how to: • Take advantage of the most valuable ten minutes of the day. • Identify the most important tasks on your to-do list. • Implement a four-step process to pinpoint your high-value priorities. • Schedule your day realistically and build in flexibility. • Work with your energy prime times and down times. • Identify the activities that steal your time. • Learn to concentrate and stop multi-tasking. If you're continually racing against time, Laura Stack will help you feel more in control of your days. You'll hear behavioral techniques to help you handle challenging, stressful schedules. And you'll find out how to increase output and decrease the number of hours you work!
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