Finding Myself

Finding Myself

Toby Litt2004
Dear Friend, How would you like to come � this August � and stay, completely free, in a lovely seaside house I�ve rented? Good food and plenty of alcohol will also be provided, gratis. But (you knew there�d be a but) afterwards you must allow me to write up the events of the month in a semi-fictionalized form. (In other word: you promise not to sue.) At the end of the book, you will have three full pages to say exactly what you like. If you think I�ve distorted things, told outright lies, etc., you can contradict me. I promise not to interfere editorially with your text in any way. Even if it is terribly libellous of me. I am inviting ten other people along, as well. Some of them you know; some of them you don�t. I do so hope you can come. Love, Victoria
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