The Cruelest Month

The Cruelest Month Creative Cafe Cabal Charity Anothology

The proceeds from this Creative Cafe Cabal Anthology novel The Cruelest Month all go to benefit American Cancer Society. Thank you for looking and we hope you pick this novel up and enjoy the stories, and the cruelty within. The mystery story "Clerical Error" by Tom Fowler leads off the anthology. It features private investigator C.T. Ferguson, who investigates the violent murder of a young secretary at the behest of her older sister. Batting second is Nyckei Harris, with "Endless Summer," a look at a gritty, parched, and (of course) cruel post-apocalyptic future. Next, you'll read "Careful Wishing" by Victoria Durm, which takes the old maxim of "be careful what you wish for because you just might get it" and applies it to a pair of desperate children in an orphanage. Amanda Alamain's "A Month Without That Dick" is next. It's a very real look at the subtle and not-so-subtle ways people are cruel to each other in relationships. Last, but certainly not least, Nick Davis gives us "Exposition," a look at the zany and cruel ways writer's block can manifest when a deadline looms (and passes). While we examined cruelty in our stories, we decided to stop there. The proceeds from the anthology you're reading are going to the author's favorite charity. Right now, we're a group of writers who all want to make it big. We're going to keep doing these anthologies, regardless of how big any of us get, and they'll always be for the benefit of a charity (or charities). Enjoy the stories, revel in the cruelty therein, and know your purchase is benefiting a deserving charity somewhere. Thank you for buying our first anthology. We hope it doesn't scare you off from buying our future releases. The members of the Creative Café Cabal: Amanda Alamain, Nick Davis, Victoria Durm, Tom Fowler, and Nyckei Harris.
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