Why I'm Right ... and Everyone Else is Wrong

Why I'm Right ... and Everyone Else is Wrong The Best of the Blog

Tom Harris2011
This is a collection of the best bits from the popular Labour blog. Tom Harris uses his And Another Thing... blog as an outlet for opinions, jokes, musings and whimsy about a range of subjects including - but not only - politics. If you believe that politicians take themselves too seriously, you might enjoy it. If you think they should take themselves very seriously indeed, or shouldn't have any interests outside politics, I would avoid it, frankly. Try John Redwood. Tom has been a Labour MP since 2001, and was a minister at the Department for Transport from September 2006 until October 2008. He has a number of obsessive interests, including Doctor Who, science fiction in general, the music of Genesis, The X-Factor and any other old rubbish that comes into my head. Oh, and politics.
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