I Am Bane

I liked it! Batman VS Bane. Good stuff. Not something that's gonna shock you, but a solid story with amazing artwork!

I've been really hard on the recent floppies of this series. It's made me wonder, is it him or is it me? This proved it's him. This was good. The Bane plot was tightly written, well told, pulled me in and kept me reading. The other stories served a purpose, they gave backstory and peeks into otherwise unseen slices of life. So what happened? After the farce of a wedding, shit went downhill fast and I'm still not onboard for King's currently dragging plots and "hey, see, it'll all tie together! eventually!" attitude. The last several months have been chocked full of those terrible filler episodes you inevitably get in every anime series and I'm tired of reading filler and getting told to wait because the payout will all be worth it. Because that's what I was told regarding Heroes in Crisis and that was one of the biggest disappointments I've ever sat through. He pulled it off with Mister Miracle though! But Scott's story didn't drag like HiC and this series has since issue 50. A few bad issues I can understand. It's tough to write something for three years straight. 25 bad issues is pure burnout. So yeah, King was really good at his job. This proves it.