Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Three: the Complete Collection

Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Three: the Complete Collection

"Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, by special arrangement with the Jerry Siegel family; John Constantine created by Alan Moore, Steve Bissette, John Totleben and Jamie Delano & John Ridgway; The Demon created by Jack Kirby."
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Photo of Celeste Richardson
Celeste Richardson@cecereadsandsings
4 stars
Aug 11, 2022

Full review now posted! I’m still digging this series, though I didn’t enjoy this volume quite as much as those preceding it. Year Three involved a lot of magic, and appearances from multiple members of Justice League Dark. There were demons. There was a talking chimp, one who is also one of the world’s greatest detectives. There was Swamp Thing. But best of all, there was John Constantine. I both love Constantine and love to hate him. He’s a fascinating character, but he doesn’t have an honest or noble bone in his body. I love how sneaky he can be, but I hate that I can never trust him not to betray the side of good. The only cause that Constantine will never betray is his own, and all others, no matter who good they are or how worthy their cause, will always be little more than means to an end. I felt that the intensive use of magic muddled the storyline a bit, but it was still an entertaining tale that progressed the overarching plot well. There were two things that I really loved in this volume. First, I loved when Harley told off Dr. Fate for calling himself a doctor when he didn’t have the education to back it up. We often forget that Harley Quinn has a PhD, and I loved being reminded of the fact. “And you. You can’t just put on a helmet and a cape and call yourself a doctor. Some of us went to medical school and earned our title. Now, please take this small girl out of my operating room, MISTER Fate.” I have loved Harley’s character so much in this series. Out from under the thumb of the Joker, she has joined the side of good. She’s still crazy, but it’s a feigned crazy. She steps up when needed, whether in battle or when someone is in need of medical attention. She’s my favorite. I love her. The other aspect of this volume that I loved was an aside regarded the moral fortitude of Batman. “If [Batman’s] on your side, then you know you’re on the side of right. He’s got an unimpeachable moral code that he won’t betray. Ever.” And that’s why I love Batman, and will always prefer him to the Man of Steel, no matter the plot. Batman makes the hard decisions, but those decisions are always on the side of good. And he’s just a man. No super powers. Just a determined desire to fight for good. I’m still enjoying this series, and it’s been a fascinating reading experience. I can’t wait to see how the story ends. Original review can be found at Booknest.

Photo of Chloe
Chloe @moonychloe
5 stars
Dec 17, 2021