Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Three Vol. 1

I have been eyeing this series down for years, and I finally decided to cave and bought it for my birthday! AND I AM SO HAPPY I DID! I love the Justice League - it was a childhood obsession and now into my adulthood I still love them! I devour DC content like you wouldn't believe! Seeing Gods Among Us come out made my heart flutter, but these books can be expensive. So I waited until I had enough points to grab this book on a great sale! But now I want the rest of the series... It'll have to wait! I LOVED this book. Keep in mind, I am very biased. I love almost all things DC (almost... you can message me and argue with me all about that). Knowing this, be aware that my review is how good it is! I didn't see many faults but that's because I loved it too much. This story is a change in the timeline! I imagine it's like Flashpoint or an anthology series. Superman's love (Lois) and their unborn child are brutally murdered by, you guessed it, the Joker. Suddenly, the world is in chaos. The Justice League and some of their villains are in an all out DC "Civil War". Green Arrow, Black Canary, Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, Aquaman (not Jason Momoa Aquaman, good old blondie Aquaman!), Martian Man Hunter, Huntress, Robin and many other characters make their way onto the screen. It felt like a giant, epic event... but it doesn't end in this book. The book sums up this little plot line nicely, but you know there's going to be more coming in the next book. Friendships are destroyed. Cities are destroyed. Aliens are destroyed. Lots of destruction. I do have many "bad" things to say, but it's mostly about characters I love being wasted. That doesn't truly affect this book though, just my opinion. Although... some of these characters are very... sexualized? But there's not much you can do about that. They are supposed to be gods among us, so they better be pretty darn beautiful. My overall, humble opinion is that this book is WILD. It's a fun and epic ride and you might not see the ending coming! If you love superheroes or graphic novels, pick this book up! It's now one of my all time favourite comic books / graphic novels. AND I WANT MORE! Five out of five stars. I'll be sitting over here in my sad, little corner waiting until I can find book 2 on sale. ;)