Narconomics Ein Drogenkartell erfolgreich führen

Fantastic deep dive into the world of the illegal narcotics industry. Shines a light on various parts that have been hidden from the public, from production to transportation. It also makes economic arguments for why the 'war on drugs' as it's been waged has been so ineffective, and uses simple economic logic to suggest better alternatives.

An excellent overview on how cartels operate and why the way goverments around the world are fighting drugs focuses on the completely wrong aspects of the problem (hence why they have been so unsuccesfull). I find the analysis of drug cartels as any other business with economic terms very interesting and an excellent way to highlight why current interventions are failing. It also highlights how drug cartels are not a problem just in Mexico or Colombia and why we should all care. Drugs are a global problem trying to be dealt with in a local manner with countries pushing responsibilities to other countries or only caring for their side of the issue. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I learned a lot from it. I highly recommend to anyone who is interested in finding out more about drugs cartels, economics, politics and the legalization of drugs debate.