
Barely readable. Classic 90s artwork were every single female is sexy with poses that's just not natural nor what a human being would pose like when talking standing crouching climbing or even shooting guns like Lara. Of course Lara is sexy but that's just too much when you're having her in every single pose on every single panel. Other than that, the artwork is fine. Story. Silly and dumb, and I think the "writer" tried hard to write the most cringeworthy plot and dialogue that's ever being written. That Chase dude is cringy as fuck and needs to be removed from the story like.. yesterday. I don't know if the writer wanted to make him funny with the pick up lines he was throwing at Lara or annoying or if he just doesn't know how to write men. He succeeded in writing the most annoying character throughout the volume. That's for sure. The plot was mediocre at best but I wasn't expecting to read the Odyssey here so whatever. Just sad that Lara is being treated like garbage. Anyway, would I recommend this? Nope. Unless like me you're going through every medium chronologically about Lara Croft. See ya in the next one!

Stuck in a reading slump? Nothing like some tomb raider to help out