Growth Hack Your Startup

Growth Hack Your Startup How 'Creative Traction Methodology' Gets Innovators Traction

Nine out of ten tech startups fail because they lack traction. Visits, Signups, LOIs, Demos, Trials, Revenue, Retention, and Referrals are critical KPIs to measure success. But how do you achieve the highest conversion rates for a prototype, MVP, or product with adoption, when product-market-fit is not given yet? With Creative Traction Methodology, Tommaso turns the intangible yet tremendously important topic of Growth Hacking into a structured, easy-to-run, three-step framework for startup entrepreneurs to apply. This book is a must read for any innovator aiming to capitalize market shares. ABOUT THE AUTHORSerial Entrepreneur and Startup Investor, Author, Advisor, and Faculty at the University of California Berkeley. Tommaso has built four tech startups from scratch and has two exits under his belt.Tommaso is passionate about sharing his lessons learned from nearly two decades of entrepreneurial tech expertise as a frequent global keynote speaker and as an advisor to some of Silicon Valley's most renowned startup accelerators such as Google Launchpad, Draper University, and The Alchemist.He is a faculty member at UC Berkeley running a class on entrepreneurship in the field of Robotics and Autonomous Systems and serves the roles of guest lecturer at Stanford University.Based in Silicon Valley, Tommaso's current firms include Awesm Ventures, an early-stage investment firm that, unlike others, partners with mobility corporations to drive external innovation by leveraging data-driven startups.And The Institute, that provides immersive educational courses and MBAs to corporate executives focusing on digital transformation and corporate innovation, in collaboration with global top universities."My current mission is to contribute to reducing the failure rate for innovation! I do this by helpingcorporates to systematically innovate & startups to capitalize in traditional industries"
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