Green Lantern, New Guardians

Green Lantern, New Guardians The ring bearer. Volume 1

After Kyle Rayner, the Earth's Green Lantern, receives six stolen power rings, the other Lantern Corps members show up to steal them back.
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Photo of Kireth Sandhu
Kireth Sandhu@lifeofkarrot
3 stars
Sep 1, 2021

The premise of Kyle getting all 7 rings could've been explored further, but it was nice to at least see 1 representative from each Corps arrive to investigate. At times, the art absolutely floored me - especially in space - and the action was done quite well, with colours splashing across the page. Unfortunately, the story kind of lets itself down towards the end, and there wasn't much thematic value - something along the lines of the entire emotional spectrum being needed etc could have been explored.