Tools of Titans The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-class Performers

I recently read 'Tools of Titans' by Tim Ferris for work. The individuals featured in the book are truly inspiring and offer a wide range of practical tools. I believe that this book has the potential to make a positive impact on your life.

Tim Ferris delivered once again a book like no other one. He spend a month reviewing the notes taken during the interviews of his podcasts (and a few more months editing them). The result is a collection of "tools," including routines, books, common self-talk, supplements, favorite questions, and much more. The book organization is minimal (to say the least). Three parts (Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise) where wealthy means much more than money and extends to abundance in time, relationships, and so much more. Tim Ferris assigned each personality to one of these parts but subjects are constantly overlapping as all parts are required for a meaningful and happy life. The lack of structure may seem disturbing as you have to process, digest, and organize the information yourself, but the effort is worth it. The personalities are diverse (authors, athletes, doctors, artists, politicians, etc.) which makes this book even more valuable (but as they are mostly all living in the American culture, the diversity could have been even better). There are so many things to experiment with. If you try them all at once, it would be a disaster. All successful contributors to this book use a few key techniques or processes that make a huge difference for them. You need to find the ones to adapt, to try first, to delay and to ignore. It's the kind of book where you can find something new every time you open it. It's the kind of book you cannot ignore. Check also "Tribe of Mentors", by the same author, which I found even more inspiring.

It was not easy to get familiar with this book. At the end, as the author says, is not even a book. Is more like a recollection of thoughts, phrases, ideas and most , rituals that successful people do every single day. Yet, once I started to advance, the book caught me. Tools of titans has this tiny sparks that can turn into wildfires. To me, a few music recommendations, a few book, and a few ideas open so many doors. I´m sure I'll come back to this book to have some inspiration

Big fan of Tim's stuff for a while now. Was really really looking forward to this book, and although I'm VERY happy with the purchase (if you enjoyed the podcasts, you'll love the book - fact.), I'm also slightly disappointed and feel a bit cheated for two reasons - 1. The book is organised by interviewees, not by subjects (although from some of his promo materials I understood that it would be structured by topics) 2. There is really not that much of new content. I've listened to the vast majority of the episodes, read vast majority of the blog posts and although Tim says that there is 200+ pages of brand new content - there just isn't. There are some new bits here and there but altogether it's just a book of highlights from the podcast and the blog. But I love it anyway. Gave me 100s of ideas, reminded me of 1000s of tips from various interviews that I wanted to try out etc. This will definitely be my go-to reference in times of need. P.S. IMO "Wealth" is by far the best section of the book.

If there were a sixth star I would've picked it as a rating

First book by Tim Ferriss that I've read. And it was looooong, but definitely worth it. The profiles and knowledge from well and not so well known people provides a lot of food for thought. I've made bunch of notes, learned several new products, concepts and people. I would recommend it to everyone who's willing to stand on the shoulders of giants. [reading time: 24h32m]

** spoiler alert ** The Four Hour Work Week is een van de eerste boeken die ik als volwassene heb gelezen. Dat is ondertussen alweer enkele jaren geleden. Alhoewel The Four Hour Work Week me destijds erg goed is bevallen heb ik later de boeken The Four Hour Body en The Four Hour Chef niet gelezen. Ik was wel enorm benieuwd naar Tools of Titans omdat hierin meerdere auteurs (van boeken die ik erg goed vond) aan het woord komen om te vertellen hoe zij doen wat zij doen. Doordat er zoveel mensen aan het woord worden gelaten is het een boek waar iedereen iets uit kan halen. Het boek is als het ware in drie delen verdeeld: Gezondheid, succes en wijsheid. Het boek is grotendeels opgebouwd uit interviews waarbij Timothy Ferris de vragen stelt aan mensen als Tony Robbins, Derek Silvers, Rick Ruben, Jamie Foxx en andere grotere en ook minder bekende namen. Naast de antwoorden op de vragen die Timothy Ferris stelt staan er tussen de interviews door ook persoonlijke meningen en ervaringen van de auteur zelf in het boek.

Okay. Haven't read it all the way through. But for what it is (a self-help book that has selected sections from the Tim Ferris podcast), it's pretty great. Not much depth. But there is a lot of amazing, action-packed, concise advice in here from super-achievers from many different disciplines. It's was definitely worth the buy for me. However, if you wanted to. You can just go through his podcast and listen to it (one of the reasons its not in my rare 5 star list). In addition, some of the guests and their answers seemed unnecessary. Different guests tend to repeat the same advice, etc. Tbh probably could have cut the book by half. But like I said super informative, actionable, and for self-improvement junkies def worth a buy..

Great book, picked up a few practices from it.

Good ideas, too many stories.I would have preferred a better selection

Big fan of Tim's stuff for a while now. Was really really looking forward to this book, and although I'm VERY happy with the purchase (if you enjoyed the podcasts, you'll love the book - fact.), I'm also slightly disappointed and feel a bit cheated for two reasons - 1. The book is organised by interviewees, not by subjects (although from some of his promo materials I understood that it would be structured by topics) 2. There is really not that much of new content. I've listened to the vast majority of the episodes, read vast majority of the blog posts and although Tim says that there is 200+ pages of brand new content - there just isn't. There are some new bits here and there but altogether it's just a book of highlights from the podcast and the blog. But I love it anyway. Gave me 100s of ideas, reminded me of 1000s of tips from various interviews that I wanted to try out etc. This will definitely be my go-to reference in times of need. P.S. IMO "Wealth" is by far the best section of the book.

Well, the only reason I chose to read this is that I got the book for free on Audible. I'm not someone who understands these types of books. However, it had proved attractive. Never before have a read a disclaimer in a book. The book seemed to give a candid view of what gives meaning and motivation in peoples lives. Some it's their passions, some its health. Again, it's real, raw, and I found it fascinating. There is one significant criticism of this book, and that is that there is nearly enough female representation. It's not a book I would choose to buy or read again.