Total Leadership Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life
This book challenges the way we think about both leadership development and ourselves as leaders. Leadership development programs are meant to help people become better leaders at work. But, as author Stew Friedman knows through years of working with thousands of executives, people improve their performance as leaders only when they enhance their performance in other domains of their life at the same time. People are most successful in their leadership roles in organisations when they are also leaders of their own lives; that is, when they increase their capacity to influence everything they care about most in life, including work, family, the broader community, and their own sense of self. This is what Friedman callsTotal Leadershipand has been teaching to MBAs and Executive Education students at Wharton and to executives in several companies like Ford, Booz Allen Hamilton, and Lehman Brothers for several years.

Sonja H@sonjah
Ich habe den dazugehörigen Kurs auf www.coursera.org gemacht und bin begeistert! Da der Kurs bald endet, aber meine Reise noch lang nicht, werde ich dieses Buch immer und immer wieder zur Hand nehmen!