
Essentialy useless collection of advice from successful people. Why I consider it useless: 1. It is eyewitness recollection of things that happened in lives of people which they recall and put in words. From number of published studies, we know that such recollections tend to be unreliable. Other flaw is that it is in human nature to embellish their experiences and forget all the bad stuff that happened. 2. There is relatively useful advice about books (I love reading them). Always happy to learn about a good book. On the other hand, I would prefer to know about which books those people read *before* they became successful. I don’t care what a bunch of CEOs read now that they have a host of different stuff to deal with. 3. There are a lot of claims in the book about stuff that just are not true. Obvious delusions of people who are indoctrinated in various form of mumbo jumbo ideologies that don’t mean anything and are a waste of time and space. Only reason I added a second star for this book is for the effort of the author to compile such a massive list, which must be extremely hard to do. I would especially advise younger readers to stay away from this one and try to find some scientifically backed books that contain actual evidence for the claims they make. Anectdotal ”evidence” contained in “Tribe of Mentors” is not worth the paper it’s printed on.

If you loved "Tools of Titans", you will love even more "Tribe of Mentors". For this new book, Tim emailed his mentors the same well-thought questions and half of them take hours or days to write sophisticated answers (about success, happiness, focus, meditation, Stoicm, sports, etc.). You will find once again more than 100 chapters from a diverse panel of contributors (still mostly American). Unlike "Tools of Titans" where the notes were edited by Tim Ferris, the answers in this book were written by their authors. There is no organization in this book, "just" a collection of wisdoms, to read and reread. If learning from your own experience seems a good idea, this book will make it obvious that learning from others' experiences is even more invaluable and indispensable.

I really enjoyed this! It’s a great variety of different people answering a standard set of questions, which gives it a good structure. To determine whether you want to read this book, just look at the table of contents and see if any of the people interviewed interest you.

I leaned through this book while procrastinating on homework (when I got to Tim Urban I started to cringe). Some pretty helpful insights, good book recommendations, ways of thinking. I feel inspired. This book is a good pick me up.


There's over 100 interviews of some of the most iconic athletes, investors, writers and artists in this book. It's impossible to read this and not be able to take away something of value. You'll learn about the books these icons read, their failures and the mentality with which they approach life. After reading this I've gained several new mentors, people I probably never would of come across outside of this book. This is an incedrible book and Tim did a fantastic job of collating all the responses.