Tropic of Stupid

Tropic of Stupid

Tim Dorsey2021
Serge Storms is a lover of history, so he's decided to investigate his own using one of those DNA services. Excited to construct a family tree, he and his perpetually stoned friend Coleman hit the road in Florida to meet his kin. But as the old saying goes, the apple doesn't fall far... Serge is thrilled to discover he may be related to a notorious serial killer who's terrorized the state for twenty years and never been caught. Which one of his newfound relatives will be the one to help him hunt down this deranged maniac? Serge doesn't know that a dogged investigator from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement is also hot on the trail. Then Serge meets a park ranger who's also longing to make a family re-connection. But all is not as it appears on the surface, and Serge's newfound friendship in the mysterious swamps of Florida may lead to deadly results. Finding his own relatives has made Serge understand the importance of family. Of course he'll do anything to help... What people are saying about Serge Storms: “Over-the-top, off-the-wall, too-much-is-never-enough, Florida insanity was never described so authentically and with such enthusiasm.” “Humor really doesn't get better than this. Dorsey has a style all to his own that is simply not replicated anywhere.” “Serge and Coleman are a match made in heaven and I am still laughing ... truly a great read and I can't wait to delve into more of Dorsey's work.” “This is Pulp Fiction on steroids with an acid tab chaser. There is insanity on every page and every page is a good time. Twists and turns, and some of the most creative homicidal mayhem I have ever read.” “... for pure pleasure and entertainment you just can't beat the maniacal style of the Serge Storm series.” Editorial reviews: “Hilarious. ... Serge Storms is, hands down, one of the most original and just-plain-captivating characters in modern crime fiction.” Booklist “Entertaining ... funny ... irreverent and loving at the same time ... [Dorsey] leaves the reader gasping for breath.” Washington Post Book World “The characters in Tim Dorsey’s raucous novel would be shot on sight in any other state.” The New York Times Book Review “Excellent ... I almost exploded with laughter as I read Dorsey’s novel. It’s manic, hysterical, and puts Dorsey well up there with the cream of comic writers who seem to have made Florida the centre for satirizing America in the 21st century.” Independent “Twisted hilarity ... a compelling page-turner ... Tim Dorsey is one sick bunny.” Belfast News Letter
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Photo of D B
D B@qruqsk
5 stars
Nov 27, 2021

Mr. Dorsey is an autobuy author for me. What more can be said about this author that hasn't been said. He's a genius when it comes to sucking you in with multiple story lines and so many characters your head spins. Yet you end up liking every character in this book. It might be because their funny, a pain in the butt, or just plain goofy. There isn't a book that he's written that I haven't caught myself laughing out loud and even when I put the book down, I bust out laughing because something that was said or done. His stories remind me of a race around Florida. Everyone is trying to get to the same spot but takes a different route. A lot of times, they run into each other and take drastic measures to divert the other person from the end goal. Then there's Serge (just typing his name and I'm laughing.) Every time he gets in his car with his stoned shadow Coleman, it becomes a superhero, killing, adventure and he always has time to take a quick picture of a landmark or to preach history. When it's time to end the race he's first to cross the finish line. The only bad thing I have to say about this series and I've read them all, is that Mr. Dorsey can't write them fast enough :)