
cliché mais trop cool 😎

Sad that I waited until now to read Trust. Great book, realistic characters and an attention holding plot.

3.5 stars It wasn't totally what is fancied reading and I think after coming from a cute slow burn to this angry read made me enjoy it less. It was good and Edie and John were cute. I liked the story but I think the angst made me feel a bit meh about it at times. I knew there would be some drama but I think I hadn't prepared myself for it. It was a good read and I enjoyed it so really I shouldn't complain.

I got sucked into this story from the first chapter, and couldn’t put it down. It’s one of those books that are extremely difficult to label. It is a YA romance, but calling it just that is not giving it justice. There is so much more to this story and what Edie and John go through at such young age would make Superman go hide and burst into tears. Edie is a breath of fresh air, and I couldn’t help but to feel sorry for the way life treated her. She finds herself helpless in the wrong place at the wrong time, which can happen to anyone of us. After a life threatening event, she undergoes a transformation. She’s no longer afraid to fight back and voice her desires. It takes her some time to figure out that the thing she wants the most is John. We meet John as a good Samaritan, who saves Edie. He is mysterious and just like Edie, decides to change his life, but unlike her, for him it means breaking ties with the life of crime. The author allows us to peel off layer after layer of John’s life, which reveal his past, and finally the real man underneath it all. I really wish there was at least one chapter with John’s POV. It would be very interesting to see what was happening in his head.

I think I might be in love with this book. As soon as I read the blurb I new that I was intrigued enough to read it but boy was I in for a shock. The book follows protagonist Edie, the book starts out as she is taken hostage in a robbery gone wrong and her recovery and challenges that come after the horrific incident. With her attitude toward life completely broken she begins to figure out what is important in life and what she wants for herself. So many things are addressed in this book that I loved and absolutely adored the way in which they were dealt with. There were so many aspects thrown in that made this book diverse and it wasn't made out to be a big deal it was just there; I praise Kylie Scott so much for being able to incorporate them in such an brilliant way. The realistic representation of anxiety for one was a breath of fresh air. So much about this book made me smile. I connected to Edie straight away and found her to be an excellent character. Her blunt personality and humour really brought an edge to the story. "Talk about unnerving. People shouldn't walk around half-naked unless they were at a pool or lake or something. Nipple viewing should really be reserved for special occasions." The way in which Edie and John connected and were able to understand each other after the incident that happens at the beginning of the book was incredibly well done. The romance was fabulous but it didn't overpower the plot because we got some amazing friendships and family relationships that were realistic and that were essential parts of the story and how it flowed together. Hang and Edie's friendship was perfect and I wish we had even more because there were some hilarious lines that made me burst out laughing. In fact at some moments while I was reading this book I couldn't help but think of some of the other contemporaries that I have recently read and how this one really outdid them in terms of character and plot. I am so excited about it. For a while I have been trying to find contemporaries that have more depth in terms of plot and especially when it comes to the protagonists characteristics, flaws and development. This book checked all of those boxes for me and some. The side characters were also very well developed and I would love to see more from Hang and Anders. They were so funny and cute, I want them to have their own spinoff. "I'd been back in the Drop Stop surrounded by blood, adrenaline crashing through me in terror. Nothing worked anymore; both my body and mind were against me." The things that were happening were so terrible yet they were written so well which made for excellent read. This is a very dark story but at the same time I found it really enlightening to read. The fact that things were represented so well and written right was brilliant. In terms of the plot a lot happens; it never got boring for me at all. The author sucked me in, made me love the characters and become so invested in the things that were happening and I just could not put it down. I nearly read it all in one sitting as it was so addictive but I literally made myself put it down when I was about seventy five percent in because I did not want the book to end. And even when I did I couldn't sleep because I just needed to keep reading. " the same time, I feel like if I could live through that, what happened to us, then I could survive anything. Like what is there really to be afraid of?" I would say if your under sixteen or not into the more raunchy scenes often in new adult books this isn't really the book for you. However I found the scenes to be done in a tasteful way compared to other new adult books I have read recently. Can you tell I loved this book yet? I can't even think of any more ways to preach my adoration for it. If you've been looking for a contemporary with more depth to it and a plot that sucks you in and characters you really feel for then this really is a book for you. I would highly recommend it! Special thank you to Kylie Scott and NetGalley for providing me with an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

*I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This book reminded me of how fucking long it's been since I've read a NA book and how much I've missed it, and this one isn't even NA because the characters are still teenagers, but still, it read like one. It was also my first Kylie Scott book, and that's certainly about to change because THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING! I think it's the first book that resembles NA that I've read to have an overweight main character. And here I sit thinking 'this shouldn't even be brought up as something odd or rare' BUT IT IS, AND IT PISSES ME OFF SO DAMN MUCH! Why can't we have this sort of diversity in YA/NA? Why does it always have to be the perfect petite girl with the perfect measures of 90-60-90? THIS RIGHT HERE IS WHAT WE NEED. We need more characters that represent what people in real life are like and look like; we SHOULD be exposed to characters that are more heterogeneous. And it saddens me to think that finding a book with such a character is a rarity when it shouldn't be. I'm sick and tired of reading about characters that always have the same complexions and body types. SO THANK YOU KYLIE SCOTT FOR GIVING US THIS BOOK. Trust had everything I needed in a quick, fluffy read: great female friendship, slow-burn romance between our MC and a guy that isn't your typical alpha-male (even though there was one scene where he acts really alpha-maley but Edie stands her ground and tells him what he did was wrong), the tiniest bit of smut, high-school drama, ANGST, and good mental health representation. In no way did this romanticize what she was going through, even though she did find solace in talking things through with John and being with him, but it made sense because he had gone through the same shit she had. I was not a big fan of what happened at the end, but overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. It was my first Kylie Scott book, but it certainly won't be my last.

Favorite book of all time, right here.

I am not an avid reader of the Young Adult genre, but this book kept calling my name. To be honest, it had nothing to do with the author as my experience with her was limited, having only read one book written by her. The synopsis was the driving force behind my decision to read Trust by Kylie Scott.This story differs from anything I have read before. Its unique storyline sucked me in and if it were not for my busy work schedule, I would have finished it sooner than I did. It tells the story of two high school students who were brought together because of a tragic event which would forever change their lives. Trust is a coming of age story that embraces the themes of friendship, love, drug addiction and fat shaming.The title aptly fits the story as this was what Edie was forced to do when she found herself in the middle of a hostage situation involving a crazed drug addict. Placing her trust in a complete stranger was the last thing on her mind when she went to purchase snacks in the middle of the night dressed in nothing but her PJs and flip-flops. Her fear at that moment was palpable. She had no idea if she would get out alive. However, in the midst of all the chaos, she discovered she was not alone. There was a guy, a teenager like herself, who went above and beyond to secure her safety. The two found themselves bound to each other through shared memories of a night they would both prefer to forget.The highlight of the story for me was the unlikely friendship that developed between John and Edie. They never expected to see each other again after that fateful night. However, Edie’s decision to change schools led to their paths crossing once again. Theirs was a friendship borne out of tragedy, but it would provide them with the healing they both needed. Despite the challenges faced, their friendship developed to the point where lines became blurred and so not only do they have to deal with painful memories, they have to figure out if their feelings for each other were real.I admired Edie for her strength of character. She refused to be labelled a victim. Her body was on the plump side and she faced constant shaming as a result, but she did not allow the hateful remarks define her. She accepted herself the way she was, and no intention of changing to please others. In spite of this, there were moments when her insecurities would rear its head, especially around John. Not only is she a fighter, she is caring and funny.I loved how John was with Edie. His need to protect her extended beyond that fateful night. John has his share of struggles, however, he always finds time for Edie whenever she needed him. They were protective of each other and they had each other’s back at all times. I loved that John saw beyond her plumpness and accepted all of her.The secondary characters played their part in making this story shine. They provided enough laughter to balance out the pain, fears and angst.I did have a few issues with the story, but it did not take away from my enjoyment.I thought the situation with John and his brother could have been handled better. The whole scenario was rushed and lacking in details.The story was told primarily from Edie’s POV. It would have been great to be privy to John’s inner thoughts and feelings. My knowledge of his struggles and feelings were gained from Edie’s perspective. I believe that having the story from John’s POV would have made the story that more realistic, especially as it relates to their romance. Edie’s feelings for John were obvious based on her inner dialogue, but it was difficult discerning how John’s true feelings.I expected more information in regards to Edie’s feelings after the traumatic incident. I understood why she had trouble sleeping, but the other aspects did not ring true for someone who stared death in the face.Recommendation/ConclusionIn spite of the issues, Trust is an enjoyable read and fans of the YA genre and Kylie Scott will fall in love with this book.

Check out this and my other reviews at My Blog, Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest Copy received through netgalley in exchange for an honest review ★Book Basics★ Genre : - Contemporary YA/NA Romance Series : - Stand Alone Love triangle? - (view spoiler)[No (hide spoiler)] Cheating? - (view spoiler)[No (hide spoiler)] HEA? - (view spoiler)[Yes (hide spoiler)] Would I read more by this author? - Yes Rating - 5 stars ★Review★ Not normally a fan of YA but I do love this author so thought I would give it a go. And I loved it. It begins with a traumatic life changing event for both the heroine and hero. And as such, they respond in different ways. The bad boy trying to turn over a new leaf, but the good girl struggling and acting out. I loved the connection they had, they had a bond, and only the other knew what they were going through. I adored the friends to more than friends romance. John was a great hero, how he was changing and growing and trying to be a better person. And Edie, struggling with everything that happened, but stands up for John. And I really enjoyed how it actually retained some of that awkwardness of young/first love. A brilliant 5 stars. This author so far can do no wrong for me.

After being held hostage at gunpoint during a convenience store robbery that ends with two deaths and her very identity shaken to the core. Edie tries to start over at a new school, but it turns out to be the same school as the boy who basically saved her life. Drawn together by their shared trauma, they form a friendship which not everyone thinks is the best for Evie. John had a bad reputation and is now looking to reform, turning away from his brother who led him into dealing drugs. Despite Edie's self-doubts and body image issues she and John begin to fall for each other, but his past may not be so far behind him... A very steamy read and it was nice to see a normal sized girl coming into her own. I do get annoyed with reading about the perfectly cut bodies of teen boys, because hey, not all teen boys are also super fit with "perfect abs" but hey, go girl. I wish this book had a dual POV to get the reader inside John's head, as I felt like he went from "friends to lover" very suddenly and as a reader, I didn't always buy his intentions or actions. The ending also felt a bit rushed, but overall I enjoyed the title. Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC.

4.5 stars! I have to admit, when I first saw this cover (and without reading the synopsis) I was under the impression that this was a new adult/adult book. The first chapter informed me otherwise... this is labeled as YA! I did read on Kylie Scott's website after the fact that this is her first YA book. (and hopefully not her last!) Though I understand that characterization since this story is set in high school and has a very realistic senior year vibe going on, I would say it's definitely an older 17+ YA story, as it addresses several very sensitive issues that would not be suitable for younger teen readers. “It’s okay to be afraid, Edie. You just can’t let it stop you from doing anything.” This story starts off with a bang. Literally. Edie is in a convenience store grabbing a few snacks for a girls night with her bestie, when it gets robbed at gunpoint. Edie, along with the meth-head gunman and two other customers, is basically held for ransom until the cops agree to give the gunman his demands. The other two kids in the store end up helping Edie more than she can ever imagine. One loses his life in the struggle, while the other, John, is responsible for them getting out of it alive. “He’s the only one who gets me. Who knows what it was like, going through what happened that night … And he’s the only one I know for sure would risk himself to keep me safe.” Edie and John, though complete opposites for the most part, have one very important thing in common. They were both there that night. They are the only two people that truly understanding how it felt to be a part of such a traumatic incident. John, one of the most popular and best looking guys at school, finds himself drawn to Edie, the softspoken loaner of sorts. Edie has become much tougher since the incident, but it hasn't helped her shed her issues of self-confidence entirely. She doesn't allow others to make fun of her for being overweight anymore, that's for sure! (Go, Edie!!) But she also begins to not care so much about school and other "mundane" things in life, after almost losing hers entirely. I absolutely adored these two. Their friendship was total friendship goals, if you ask me. I loved how tirelessly and unconditionally they were there for each other at all times, at all costs. I respected their bond and how these two shared something extremely special. And I loved how their relationship started out so innocently, building a friendship on one single event that brought them together. This story addressed several tough issues as well. PTSD was a strong one in this story, as Edie had quite a tough time in the aftermath of this horrific event. John also suffered quite a bit, especially with the similarities this gunman had to a family member of his. Other important issues were addressed as well, include drug sale and use, sexual activity, and some violence. I truly respected the way Kylie Scott went about addressing a sexual act for the first time, and not sugarcoating it in any way. Also the way a "drug dealer" can be stereotyped in the worst possible way, regardless of their present activity, growth and change. One of my favorite aspects of this story were the awesome friendships. After Edie switches schools she has the pleasure of meeting Hang, a fun-loving and accepting teen, who she quickly becomes besties with. Hang is such a wonderful friend, as Edie is to her, and I loved how these two found their way to such a strong and accepting friendship, regardless of the bumps in the road. John and Anders' bromance was one of my faves!! These two best buds were so adorable, I just couldn't get enough. Give me more Anders, please!! I was so pleasantly shocked by this book. I had no idea what I was getting into it. I didn't know the emotions I would feel, the sadness and heartache that would hit me so hard, the sheer fear I would find in my heart, and the hopeful feeling I would be left with. This book has so much to offer, and I truly hope more readers get to experience it's awesomness. This is one I would definitely recommend, you guys. I'm definitely going to read more by Kylie Scott now!! (And can we PLEASE get an Anders book?! PLEASE!! ♥ ) This is the perfect book for fans of Katie McGarry and Jamie McGuire. A bit more angsty than the normal YA, though filled to the brim with a strong, adorable and swoony romance. (Thank you to Inkslinger PR & Kylie Scott for the review copy!)