Metallogeny and Mineral Deposits of the Nelson-Rossland Map Area

Metallogeny and Mineral Deposits of the Nelson-Rossland Map Area

The Jurassic Rossland Group in south-east British Columbia is a volcanic arc succession that contains a variety of deposits typical of volcanic arcs. This report focusses on deposits in the Group, particularly on those that have had recent exploration, and on the metallogeny of the Nelson-Rossland map area. The report first reviews the regional geology of the area and describes a number of type examples of mineral deposits in Rossland Group rocks & others in the area. These include carbonate-hosted deposits, volcanogenic massive sulphides, porphyry copper-gold deposits, skarns, and gold-quartz & polymetallic veins. The principal focus is on the deposits of the Rossland copper/gold mining camp, the second largest lode gold producing camp in the province. The regional geology around Rossland is summarized, the main deposit types are described, and a model for intrusive-related gold-sulphide veins is presented. Appendices include a table of mineral occurrences in the area, production data for the area's metallic deposits, a petrographic report, analyses of samples, reports on geochronological dating & isotope characterization, and fluid inclusion data.
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